Demonstration Program for Elderly Housing for Intergenerational Families

    This funding opportunity is available to private nonprofit owners of Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly properties to provide assistance for intergenerational dwelling units for intergenerational families.

    The purpose of the program is to expand the supply of intergenerational dwelling units for very low-income grandparent(s) or relative(s) heads of household 62 years of age or older raising a child.

    Type of Assistance:
    Capital Advance funding is available under this NOFA to cover the cost of expanding the supply of intergenerational housing. In addition, Project Rental Assistance Contract (PRAC) funds are available for Section 202 Capital Advance projects that are funded under this program to cover the difference between the HUD approved operating costs of the project and the tenants' contribution toward rent (30 percent of their adjusted monthly income).

    Eligible Applicants:
    All private nonprofit owners of Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly properties.

    Eligible Customers:
    Eligible residents who meet the occupancy requirements as established for very low-income grandparent(s) or relative(s) heads of household 62 years of age or older raising a child raising a child who is not more than 18 years of age or not more than19 years of age and also attending school. The family must meet the age requirements to be eligible for an intergenerational dwelling unit.

    Applicants must submit an application for funding, in response to the Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) published in the Federal Register in the 2008 fiscal year. Applicants that apply for the Demonstration Program for Elderly Housing for Intergenerational Families compete for $3.96 million. The application deadline is July 2, 2008. At least two awards will be announced in the early fall.

    Technical Guidance:
    The Program is authorized in connection with the supportive housing program under Section 202 of the Housing Act of 1959 (12 U.S.C. 1701q). HUD's Office of Multifamily Housing is responsible for administering the Demonstration Program for Elderly Housing for Intergenerational Families. The Demonstration Program for Elderly Housing for Intergenerational Families is authorized by Living Equitably: Grandparents Aiding Children and Youth Act of 2003 or the LEGACY Act of 2003 (Pub. L. 108-186, Title II, Dec. 16, 2003; 117 Stat. 2688). The Department of Housing and Urban Development Appropriations Act, 2006 (Pub. L. 109-115, approved Nov. 30, 2005) provided $3.96 million for a Section 202 Demonstration Program for Elderly Housing for Intergenerational Families pursuant to section 203 of Public Law 108-186


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