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Jewish Community Housing for the Elderly

We are delighted that our CHSP program at Jewish Community Housing for the Elderly (JCHE) in Brighton, Massachusetts is in its 15th year. From the beginning of our CHSP program in 1994, we have continued to serve low income, frail elders who wish to age in place, often avoiding nursing home placement or prolonging their stay in their apartments for a number of years.

Through our on-site CHSP program we are able to offer the following services to 107 residents:
" A fresh cooked meal served seven days a week, at noon in our dining room;
" Escorting to this meal by wheelchair or walking, if needed;
" Escorting to medical appointments;
" Housecall Service, a 24 hour, 7 day a week service to assist tenants in their apartments with services such as medicine reminders, heating up meals, washing dishes, assisting getting up or going to bed, reassurance checks even during the night, and toileting.

One very independent tenant used CHSP to help wash dishes and pots, which her arthritic fingers could not manage. A year later, after a small stroke, Housecalls staff helped her prepare for bed, checked on her twice during the night, and helped her to the bathroom.

A tenant with dementia received Housecalls visits in the morning and evening, not only to assist him with breakfast, and supervise while he took his medication from the pre-filled medication box, but also to assist him on and off with his elastic stockings, which were recommended by his doctor.

For our tenants, whose average age is 83, with minimal disposable income, the Congregate Housing Services Program has been an invaluable asset. It provides the means for us to support our tenants to continue to age in our housing.

Jewish Community Housing for the Elderly
30 Wallingford Road
Brighton, MA 02135-4753

[Photo: A grateful CHSP participant enjoying a cup of tea with a Housecalls staff member.]
A grateful CHSP participant enjoying a cup of tea with a Housecalls
staff member. The tenant values the relationship with the staff member
and looks forward to her daily assistance.