Chapter 9 Forms

    Servicing and Monitoring

    Form 9.10: OAHP REAT Multipurpose Form
    PDF / MS Excel

    Form 9.11: OAHP REAT Multipurpose Form
    PDF / MS Excel

    Form 9.12: OAHP REAT Close-out Form
    PDF / MS Excel

    September 20, 2005: To assist REAs in closing out escrows, we are introducing the Alternate Form 9.12. This form provides for a more detailed accounting of the deposits and withdrawals from the escrow account. REAs may choose to use this form or continue to use the revised Form 9.10 for close-outs, with their own detailed financial spreadsheets, at their discretion. All other documentation to close out an account must still be submitted (i.e., the transmittal letter, accounting of deposits and withdrawals, etc.) regardless of whether or not the REA chooses the Form 9.10 or the Alternate Form 9.12. On those occasions where the Rehabilitation Escrow Specialist determines that the submitted Form 9.10 is inadequate, the Specialist may require that the REA submit the Alternate Form 9.12.