Chapter 10 Forms

    OAHP "Lites"

    Form 10.1: OAHP Reduction of Rent and Section 8 HAP Contract Renewal Justification and Cover Page
    PDF/ MS Word

    Form 10.2: Electronic Submission of PAE’s Lite Conclusions

    Form 10.3a: Market Rent Determination; Transmittal of Section 8 HAP Contract
    PDF/ MS Word

    Form 10.3b: Agreement with PAE’s Determination of Ineligible Lite; Market Rent Determination (Updated 4/5/2005)
    PDF/ MS Word

    Form 10.3c: Ineligible Lite/Conversion to Full Refused; Market Rent Determination; Transmittal of Section 8 HAP Contract (Updated 4/5/2005)
    PDF/ MS Word

    Form 10.4a: Notification to Owner of Market Rent Determination; Transmittal of Section 8 HAP Contract
    PDF/ MS Word

    Form 10.4b: Notification to HUD Project Manager of Market Rent Determination; Transmittal of Section 8 HAP Contract
    PDF/ MS Word

    Form 10.4c: Notification to HUD Project Manager of Ineligible Lite and Market Rent Determination
    PDF/ MS Word

    Form 10.5: Notification to Owner of Results of Appeal of Market Rent Determination; Transmittal of Increased Market Rents and Revised Section 8 HAP Contract
    PDF/ MS Word

    Form 10.6a: Notification to Owner of Ineligibility as a Lite; Transmittal of Form for Re-Election under Housing Notice H 99-36 (Updated 4/5/2005)
    PDF/ MS Word

    Form 10.7a: Notification to Owner of Failure of Appeal
    PDF/ MS Word

    Form 10.7b: Notification to Owner of Failure of Appeal; Transmittal of Form for Re-election under Housing Notice H 99-36 (Updated 4/5/2005)
    PDF/ MS Word

    Form 10.8: Notice to Owner / Conversion Refused; Determination of Market Rents (Updated 4/5/2005)
    PDF/ MS Word

    Form 10.9: Lite Credit File Checklist
    PDF/ MS Word

    Form 10.10: Notice of Rent Reduction without Debt Restructuring
    PDF/ MS Word