Owners whose properties have recently converted through the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Program from public housing to PBRA must adhere to unique policies and procedures for getting their properties set up and operational in TRACS within 90 days of conversion. This guide provides the Owner instructions on how to populate tenant data, such as dates and types of certifications in their software to transmit to TRACS. Once vouchers have been released from the manual review process noted in the Guide, owners will need to voucher by the 10th of every month preceding the voucher month for timely payments.Example, the March voucher will need to be transmitted to the CA by February 10th.
- Vouchering for Rehab Assistance Payments
RAD properties scheduled to undergo rehabilitation upon conversion may be eligible for Rehab Assistance Payments. Please follow the section 3.3 of TRACS Voucher & Tenant File Preparations and Submissions Guide above to complete a request for payment using the Rehab Assistance Schedule found here. Properties vouchering for Rehab Assistance Payments will need to ensure the number of units claimed on the Rehab Assistance Invoice plus the number of units receiving regular subsidy must not exceed the total contracts in the HAP contract.
- Vouchering for Pre-rehab Rents and Post-Rehab Rents
Should a property undergo rehabilitation upon conversion as set forth in the RCC and HAP contract they may have both pre-rehab rents and post-rehab rents noted in Part I of the HAP contract. The pre-rehab rents will be shown in Exhibit 1A.The post-rehab rents in Exhibit 1B.
(d) Exhibits. The exhibits to the HAP Contract consists of the following (1) Exhibit 1A: Initial Schedule of Contract Units and Contract Rents; (2) Exhibit 1B: Revised Schedule of Contract Units and Contract Rents (if applicable as the result of Tenant-Paid Utility Savings or changes in the responsibilty of utilities |
Initially the owner will voucher monthly using pre-rehab rents, and utility allowances if applicable. Once rehab has been completed in full the owner must submit a Completion Certification Form found here. through the RAD Resource Desk for approval. Once the Completion Certification has been approved, the owner will be notified and the post-rehab rents, and utility allowances if applicable, become effective the first day of the following month from approval date. It is important to note that any decrease in utility allowances require a 30-day notice to tenants.
- Vouchering for Special Claims
Owners may be eligible for special claims for vacancy and/or damages on contract units. The Special Claims Guide provides eligibility and submissions requirements for requesting special claims.
Last Updated 7/25/2023
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