Listed below are descriptions of the transmission error messages that lenders may receive when submitting upfront mortgage insurance premium payments or corrections directly to HUD through CPU to CPU batch file transmissions. Lenders are informed of batch file transmission errors through email communication from HUD and the Payment History option on the Upfront Premium Collection menu of the FHA Connection. The list below is sorted alphabetically and does not include errors encountered by the U.S. Department of the Treasury's automated collection service in the processing of payment transactions.
Message Text | Description | |
CASE NO INVALID @ record # | The format of the FHA Case Number was incorrect. Only 10 digits or zeros are allowed. | |
CASE NUM INVALID @ record # | The format of the FHA Case Number was incorrect for the specified record number. Only 10 digits or zeros are allowed. | |
CLOSE DT INVALID @ record # | The Closing Date or Corrected Closing Date in the specified record was later than the date the batch file was received by HUD or was invalid (e.g., 013208 or January 32, 2008). | |
CLOSE DT MISSING @ record # | The Closing Date is missing for the specified record for Company Number 00054 (payments for purchase cases) or Company Number 00631 (payments for refinance cases). Only six digits or zeros are allowed. -or- The Closing Date format was incorrect for the specified record for Company Number 00433 (refinance case correction). Only six digits or zeros are allowed. |
CNTL NUM DEP MISMATCH: company # | The Total Deposit Reports amount in the Deposit Control record (record type 8) was not equal to the number of Detail records (record type 6) for the specified Company Number (transaction type). | |
CNTL REC MISSING CO: company # | A Deposit Total record (record type 9) was not preceded by a Deposit Control record (record type 8) for the specified Company Number (transaction type). | |
CNTL - TOT DEP MISMATCH: company # | The Total Deposits amount in the Deposit Control record (record type 8) was not equal to the sum of the Total Transaction Amount for all Detail records (record type 6) for the specified Company Number (transaction type). | |
CNTL/HDR REC CO MISMTCH: company # | The Company Number (transaction type) in the Header record (record type 1) did not match the Company Number in the Deposit Control record (record type 8). | |
DETL TOT MISMATCH @ record # | The Total Transaction Amount in the Detail record (record type 6) did not equal the Total Amount in the Supplemental Overflow record (record type 4). | |
Within the file, more than one payment was made for the same case. | |
DUPLICATE FILE - FILE REJECTED | The file is a duplicate of a previously sent file and the Override Duplicate Unit Deposit field in the Header record (record type 1) is set to reject duplicate files (i.e., has a value of U or a space). | |
The Company Number (transaction type) in the Header record (record type 1) was not one of the following: |
FL FORMAT ERR - NO HDR REC | The first record in the file was not a Header record (record type 1), as required. -or- The file contains records for more than one Company Number and a Header record with the Company Number (transaction type) is missing. |
INT/LTE NOT NUMERIC @ record # | The interest and/or late charge amount was not numeric. | |
INVALID CORRCT AUTH @ record # | For Company Number 00433 (refinance case correction), there was a Corrected Refinance Authorization Code but no Corrected Refinance Authorization Issue Date in the Supplemental Overflow record (record type 4) or vice versa. Both the Corrected Refinance Authorization Code and the Corrected Refinance Authorization Issue Date must be supplied if there is a correction to one of them. | |
The record type was not one of the following: |
INVALID SUPPL RECORD @ record # | For Company Number 00631 (payments for refinance cases), the Supplemental Overflow - Sequence No. 2 record did not have the Last Record Indicator set to 9. | |
LAST SUPPL NOT FND @ record # | For Company Number 00027 (payment for penalties only), or Company Number 00054 (payments for purchase cases), the Supplemental Overflow record (record type 4) did not have the Last Record Indicator set to 9. | |
LENDER-ID INVALID @ record # | The format of the FHA mortgagee/lender ID was incorrect. Only 10 digits or zeros are allowed. | |
MRTG NOT ACH READY: mortgagee ID | The lender's cash flow account for the payment of upfront MIP is either not set up or does not currently have an active status. | |
NO CORRECTION DATA @ record # | For Company Number 00038 (purchase case correction), the format was incorrect for the Corrected Closing Date or the Corrected Mortgagee [ID] in Supplemental Overflow record (record type 4). The Corrected Closing Date must be six digits or zeros. The Corrected Mortgagee [ID] must be 10 digits or zeros. | |
NO SUPPL CORRCTNS @ record # | For Company Number 00038 (purchase case correction) or Company 00433 (refinance case correction), the Supplemental Indicator in the Detail record (record type 6) was not set to S. Therefore, there are no Supplemental Overflow records (record type 4) containing corrections. | |
NO SUPPL EXPECTED @ record # | A Supplemental Overflow record (record type 4) followed a Detail record (record type 6). However, the Supplemental Indicator for the Detail record was not set to S to indicate that a Supplemental Overflow record followed. | |
NO TRACKING ID FND IN GENEDT | Not a lender error. | |
ORIG CASE INVALID @ record # | For Company Number 00038 (purchase case correction) or Company 00433 (refinance case correction), the format was incorrect for the Originally Submitted FHA Case Number for New Case in the Detail record (record type 6). Only 10 digits or zeros are allowed. | |
PREM-AMT INVALID @ record # | For Company Number 00054 (payments for purchase cases), the format was incorrect for the Premium Amount in the Detail record (record type 6). Only digits or zeros are allowed.
REFI AUTH INVALID @ record # | For Company Number 00631 (payments for refinance cases), the format was incorrect for the Refinance Authorization Code. It must be five digits. | |
REJECTED: DUPLICATE DAILY DEP | The file is rejected because it is a duplicate payment. It was received by HUD the same day as a prior payment and has the same user ID and mortgagee ID. | |
These are database errors and not lender batch file transmission errors. | |
SUPPL AMT INVALID @ record # | For Company Number 00631 (payments for refinance cases), the format was incorrect for either the Premium Amount, Late Charge Amount, or Interest Charge Amount in the Supplemental Overflow - Sequence No. 01 record (record type 4). Only digits or zeros are allowed. |
SUPPL AMTS MISMATCH @ record # | For Company Number 00631 (payments for refinance cases) the Total Amount in the Supplemental Overflow Sequence No. 1 record (record type 4), which is the sum of the premium, late, and interest amounts, did not equal the Total Transaction Amount in the Detail record (record type 6). | |
SUPPL REC MISSING @ record # | A Supplemental Overflow record is missing. A Supplemental Overflow record (record type 4) did not follow a Detail record (record type 6). -or- For Company Number 00631 (payments for refinance cases), a Supplemental Overflow - Sequence No. 1 record and/or a Supplemental Overflow - Sequence No. 2 record did not follow a Detail record. |
SUPPL TOT MISMATCH @ record # | For Company Number 00027 (payment for penalties only), the Total Amount in the Supplemental Overflow record (record type 4), which is the sum of the late and interest amounts, did not equal the Total Transaction Amount in the Detail record (record type 6). -or- For Company 00054 (payments for purchase cases), the Total Amount in the Supplemental Overflow record (record type 4), which is the sum of the premium, late, and interest amounts, did not equal the Total Transaction Amount in the Detail record (record type 6). |
TOT-TRX-AMT INVALID @ record # | The Total Transaction Amount in the Detail record (record type 6) was not numeric. | |
TRLR REC MISSING FOR CO: company # | A Deposit Total record (record type 9) was missing for the specified Company Number (transaction type). There was more than one Header record (Company Number) in the file. | |
TRLR TOT REC MISMATCH: company # | The total record count for the specified Company Number (transaction type) was not equal to the Total Record Count in the Deposit Total record (record type 9). The total records per Company Number include the Header record (record type 1) through the Deposit Total record (record type 9). | |
USER NOT AUTHORIZED FOR PYMT | The User ID does not have authorization to pay upfront MIP. |
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