Insured Multifamily Mortgages

    Click here to access Active MF Insured Mortgage file: Active MF Insured Mortgages

    Click here to access Terminated MF Insured Mortgage file:Terminated MF Insured Mortganges

    Current as of  December 31, 2024

    These MS Excel files include all active and terminated FHA Multifamily insured mortgages and are updated once per month after month-end closing activities. The data is extracted from the FHA Subsidiary Ledger-Revenue Management database and includes the following data elements:

    FHA Project Number
    Project Name
    Project Street/City/State/Zip
    Number of total Units (or total beds for health and hospital care)
    Initial/Final Endorsement Dates
    Original Mortgage Amount
    First Payment Date
    Maturity Date
    Term of loan in months
    Interest Rate
    Monthly Principal and Interest Payment
    Amortized Unpaid Principal Balance
    Holding Lender Name/City/State
    Servicing Lender Name/City/State
    Section of the Act Code (SOA)
    Section of the Act Category/Subcategory (Note: SOA codes are available on this list: SOA_list.xlsx.)

    TE code (mortgages financed by tax exempt bonds)
    TC code (mortgages that include Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC))

    Please send any comments/questions to: Jason Spahlinger, Tara Estes, and/or Daniel Chang.


    Please click here for a Fact Sheet on topics related to the Multifamily Insurance Operations Branch (MFIOB).