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FHA Catalyst: Using Robotics Technology to Automate Processes

Our first steps in deploying dynamic robotics technology is starting with the automation of several components of HUD’s Multifamily assisted housing program contracts. This transformative work sets the stage for expanded use of this groundbreaking technology where needed as part of FHA Catalyst, the initiative to modernize the Federal Housing Administration’s (FHA) technology infrastructure.


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Robotics Assists with Certain Multifamily Assisted Housing Contract Functions

Today, robotics technology is being integrated into portions of the contract renewal process for Section 202 and Section 811 Project Rental Assistance Contracts. The goal is to create full automation that will provide Multifamily management and invested stakeholders with an automated mechanism to receive email notifications about HUD-administered rental assistance contracts (Section 8, PRAC, and PAC) approaching their expiration date. The technology may be expanded in the future to automate other types of HUD notifications to Multifamily property owners. Automating business processes can create standardization among field offices, reduce repetitive work, and decrease the potential for errors.

About FHA Technology Modernization

Through a partnership between HUD’s Chief Information Office and FHA, and a $40 million allocation from Congress, the effort to modernize FHA’s outdated technology infrastructure is underway. Starting with the development of a secure, flexible, cloud-based platform, FHA intends to deliver a modern, automated system for lenders, servicers, and other FHA program participants to conduct a full suite of transactions with FHA. #FHACatalyst.

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