OLHCHH offers a variety of training related to lead poisoning prevention and healthy homes best practices. Training is also linked to partners who sponsor similar training including those we collaborate with to produce and deliver training and research. Many different types of audiences may be looking for training education. To help you find training most important to you; the available training has been connected to several relatable topics, training delivery methods and audience types. Training opportunities are regularly being hosted and added to the archives on this page. Check back frequently to see what's new!
Who is seeking training? (Select from these categories to find the training you need!)
Families with Young Children |
Homeowners and Landlords |
![]() Healthcare Professionals |
![]() Grantees |
![]() Public Housing Authorities |
![]() Inspectors / Lead Professionals |
![]() Academia / Research Professionals |
What training topics are you interested in today?
LEAD - Lead Poisoning Prevention is the primary mission of the Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes. Lead is a highly toxic metal that may cause a range of health problems, especially in young children. When lead is absorbed into the body, it can cause damage to the brain and other vital organs, like the kidneys, nerves and blood.
Both inside and outside of the home, deteriorated lead-paint mixes with household dust and soil and gets tracked into the house. Children may become lead poisoned by:
- Putting their hands or other lead-contaminated objects into their mouths,
- Eating paint chips found in homes with peeling or flaking lead-based paint, or
- Playing in lead-contaminated soil
Take a moment to look at the brochure "Protect Your Family from Lead in Your Home" for additional information (available in English, Spanish, Russian, Vietnamese, Somali, and Arabic). Lead poisoning is 100% preventable. Training is available for many different audiences seeking certification, education, or basic awareness in lead safe practices, lead regulation and requirements in public and private housing, resource to reduce lead exposure in homes and communities, and blood lead and environmental lead testing.
Here is a list of links to training related to Lead Poisoning Prevention:
- Resources for reducing lead exposure in homes and communities
- Certified Lead Professionals and Associated training providers by State
- Lead Safe Housing Rule
- Lead Regulations
- Lead Disclosure Rule
- Lead Rule Compliance Advisor
- Environmental Testing
- Blood Lead Testing
- Outreach and Educational Publications
How would you like to participate in training?
*In-Person Training
In person training includes classroom style setting large and small. Some learners need the hands-on experience to grasp some concepts. In person training is a preferred method for many healthy home's courses and specifically the assessment training opportunities. Please consider attending an in-person training when they are available.
Here is a list of In-Person Training available:
- Healthy Homes Assessment for Community Health Workers
- Healthy Homes Assessment: Principles and Practices
- Health Opportunities in Energy Audits and Upgrades
- Healthy Homes Rating System
- Healthy Home Evaluator
- Healthy Homes Assessment and Interventions
- Healthy Homes for Community Health Workers
- Code Inspections for Healthier Homes
- Pediatric Environmental Home Assessment
- Basic Principle of Healthy Homes
Click Here if you are interested in any of these courses.
*Online - Self Paced Training
Online-Self Paced training is suggested for learners who have a complex schedule and need to complete learning modules at their own pace. This type of training is good for learners who do not need a mentor or guide through the new materials and content as they are learning.
Here is a list of Online-Self Paced Training available:
- Healthy Homes essentials for Healthy Homes Practitioners
Click Here if you are interested in any of these courses.
*Webinar Recordings and Live Sessions
Webinars and recordings of live sessions are a great wat to access different types of training. Educational sessions on topics of interests are often covered by webinar. These educational sessions are mostly informative sessions and often don't require interactive conversation or demonstration. Live webinar sessions can be an economical way to complete training that is designed to have learners demonstrate tasks due to these sessions typically use interactive dialogue, web cams and group work. The courses indicated with a (*) below should be noted that the preferred method of delivery of an assessment course is in person when feasible. Most course work can be modified to be delivered through a live webinar if the instructor is comfortable with the previous work experience of knowledge base of the learners inquiring about these courses. Please plan to work with the local certified trainer in your area for training delivery recommendations.
Here is a list of webinar recordings and upcoming live sessions available:
- Eco-Healthy Child Care Course
- Integrated Pest Management in Multifamily Housing
- Bed Bug Management for Affordable Housing Providers
- Less is More: Using Limited Resident Prep for Bed Bug Treatment
- Making Homes Healthier for Residents who Hoard
- Making Homes Healthier for Residents with Limited Finances
Click Here if you are interested in any of these courses available.
Conferences are a great way to expose a learner to many different topics and skills over a one or two day period. Conferences typically have many topics categorized under "tracks" or themes of content to cover. Sessions are typically hour and half or less and allow a learner to fit multiple sessions in every day. Learners looking to learn new skills or new topics can get a diverse exposure to options from attending a training conference.
Here is a list of registration links to upcoming conferences related to Lead and Healthy Homes Topics:
- Healthy Housing Conferences
- National Indian Health Board (NIHB)
- Assoc. of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO)
- National Assoc. of Housing and Redevelopment Officials (NAHRO)
- American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)
- American Public Health Association (APHA)
- National League of Cities (NLC)
- American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI)
- Disaster Preparedness Summit
- Home Performance Coalition (HPC)
- National American Indian Housing Council (NAIHC)
- OLHCHH Grantee and National Healthy Homes Conference
- National Assoc. of School Nurses Conference
- National Enviormental Health Assoc. (NEHA)
- National Assoc. of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO)
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