The Pilot Program to Help Individuals In Recovery From a Substance Use Disorder Become Stably Housed (Recovery Housing Program), was authorized under Section 8071 of the Support for Patients and Communities (SUPPORT) Act. The Recovery Housing Program (RHP) allows states and the District of Columbia to provide stable, transitional housing for individuals in recovery from a substance-use disorder. The assistance is limited, per individual, to a period of not more than two years or until the individual secures permanent housing, whichever is earlier.
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- RHP Action Plan Certifications – These certifications will accompany the SF424 and RHP Action Plan submission in DRGR.
- Notice of Waivers and Alternative Requirements for the Pilot Recovery Housing Program (July 21, 2021) – This Notice describes the program rules, waivers, and alternative requirements applicable to the Recovery Housing Program.
- Notice of FY2020 Allocations, Waivers, and Alternative Requirements for the Pilot Recovery Housing Program (November 25, 2020) – This Notice describes the program rules, waivers, and alternative requirements applicable to the Recovery Housing Program.
In accordance with the SUPPORT Act, the Department published two notices in the Federal Register with the requirements for the Recovery Housing Program. The statute provides that the grant funds shall be treated as Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5301 et seq.). The HUD Secretary may waive or specify alternative requirements to any provision under Title I except for requirements related to fair housing, nondiscrimination, labor standards, the environment, and requirements that activities benefit persons of low- and moderate-income, upon a finding that such a waiver is necessary to expedite or facilitate the use of such funds.
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On December 20, 2019, President Trump signed the Further Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2020 (Public Law 116-94), which allocated FY 2020 funding for the Recovery Housing Program. The Department published its formula in the Federal Register (FR) on April 17, 2019 (84 FR 16027), identifying the 25 eligible grantees and allocation percentages for FY2020 funding.
The FR Notice (84 FR 16027) provided the percent share of the appropriated funds allocated to 25 grantees whose age-adjusted rate of drug overdose deaths is above the 2016 national rate of 19.8 per 100,000. The 25 grantees include 24 states and the District of Columbia, which is also defined as a state pursuant to Section 8071. The formula was calculated as follows:
- Average Rates of Unemployment, which accounts for 15 percent of the allocation [based on data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics for calendar years 2013 through 2017]
- Labor Force Nonparticipation, which accounts for 15 percent of the allocation [based on the participation rates, from the Bureau of Labor Statistics for calendar years 2013 through 2017]
- The age-adjusted rates of drug overdose deaths account for 70 percent of the allocation [based on data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for 2016]
For FY21 and subsequent RHP appropriations, HUD will distribute amounts appropriated for RHP according to the Formula Notice and Section 8071 of the SUPPORT Act unless the appropriation act directs HUD to do otherwise. HUD will use the most recent data available from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. HUD publishes RHP allocation amounts online at
The RHP funding will go to the state agencies, not directly to individuals. If you are an individual struggling with a substance-use disorder, we encourage you to contact where you can find thousands of state-licensed providers who specialize in treating substance use disorders, addiction, and mental illness.
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RHP Action Plan Certifications – These certifications will accompany the SF424 and RHP Action Plan submission in DRGR.
- Notice of Waivers and Alternative Requirements for the Pilot Recovery Housing Program (July 21, 2021) – This Notice describes the program rules, waivers, and alternative requirements applicable to the Recovery Housing Program.
- Notice of FY2020 Allocations, Waivers, and Alternative Requirements for the Pilot Recovery Housing Program (November 25, 2020) – This Notice describes the program rules, waivers, and alternative requirements applicable to the Recovery Housing Program.
- Support for Patients and Communities Act; Establishment of Funding Formula (April 17, 2019) – This Notice establishes the funding formula that would allocate funds for the Recovery Housing Program, as required by the SUPPORT Act.
- CPD Appropriations Budget/Allocations
- List of Grantees
- Public Law 116-94
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Content current as of December 12, 2024.