Neighborhood Stabilization Program

    The Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) was established for the purpose of providing emergency assistance to stabilize communities with high rates of abandoned and foreclosed homes, and to assist households whose annual incomes are up to 120 percent of the area median income (AMI). The U.S. Congress appropriated three rounds of NSP funding. Congress has not allocated any additional funds to NSP since the third round of funding, and most grantees are in the process of completing activities and closing out their grants.

    Eligible Activities

    NSP funds were used for activities which included:

    • Establish financing mechanisms for purchase and redevelopment of foreclosed homes and residential properties
    • Purchase and rehabilitate homes and residential properties abandoned or foreclosed
    • Establish land banks for foreclosed homes
    • Demolish blighted structures
    • Redevelop demolished or vacant properties

    In addition, NSP funds were required to meet one of the following Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) national objectives:

    • Housing Activities: Providing or improving permanent residential structures that will be occupied by a household whose income is at or below 120% of area median income.
    • Area Benefit Activities: Benefiting all the residents of a primarily residential area in which at least 51% of the residents have incomes at or below 120% of area median income. (NSP1 only)
    • Limited Clientele Activities: Serving a limited clientele whose incomes are at or below 120% of area median income.
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    Content current as of March 7, 2024.