Summary: This Policy Bulletin summarizes how CDBG-DR funds can be used for economic revitalization by funding tourism-related activities. The bulletin addresses how these activities can be funded through existing CDBG-eligible activities and through waivers and alternative requirements.
Summary: This Policy Bulletin provides guidance on how best to consolidate various requirements in the 2019 DOB Notice (84 FR 28836) and DOB Implementation Notice (84 FR 28848), as amended by the OMNI Notice (85 FR 60821). This guidance document restates information for clarity but does not establish any new requirements and lacks the force and effect of binding law.
Summary: This Policy Bulletin provides guidance on how to submit a request to extend a CDBG-DR grantee’s period of performance. HUD will consider extension requests for grant awards based on the Secretary's determination that the extension is necessary, and the grantee has demonstrated that it has evaluated all reasonable alternatives prior to determining that an extension is the only remaining viable alternative. This guidance recommends the best approach for building a grantee’s good cause statement for the extension. While this guidance applies to grants awarded for disasters occurring between 2011 and 2022, future grantees may also find this guidance useful if the applicable Federal Register notices allow for extension requests.
Summary: This policy bulletin provides an overview of the statutory authority and applicability of interchangeability across funds provided through various Public Laws. This policy bulletin focuses on interchangeability for Program Administrative Costs (PACs) and Grant Funds, and includes a review of the requirements, examples for each type of interchangeability, and tips for grantees choosing to use the flexibility provided through interchangeability across multiple CDBG-DR allocations. In addition, the bulletin illustrates how to report outcomes within the Disaster Recovery Grant Reporting (DRGR) System when using funds interchangeably. As a first step to implementing interchangeability, grantees are asked to please review CDBG-DR Policy Bulletin 2023-02 and the associated video before using the Interchangeability Checklists below.
- CDBG-DR Policy Bulletin 2023-02
- Video Review of CDBG-DR Policy Bulletin 2023-02
- Interchangeability Checklists: The Program Administrative Costs Interchangeability Checklist and the Grant Funds Interchangeability Checklist are designed as companion documents to CDBG-DR Policy Bulletin 2023-02 to help CDBG-DR grantees establish interchangeability processes, policies, and procedures. These checklists are a simplified tool but should be used with the context provided in CDBG-DR Policy Bulletin 2023-02.
Summary: This Policy Bulletin aims to support CDBG-DR and CDBG-MIT grantees by outlining limited circumstances under which it is not in the best interest of the Federal government (i.e., HUD or its grantees) to pursue an identified duplication of benefits (DOB). HUD’s policy identifies two key scenarios: 1) when a beneficiary becomes deceased, is subject to a foreclosure action, or is experiencing bankruptcy; or 2) a low- and moderate-income (LMI) beneficiary receives subsequent federal financial assistance for the same purpose.
Summary: This FAQ provides clarity for any current CDBG-DR grantees who have requested guidance on using their CDBG-DR funds for subsequent disasters. These FAQs apply only when a grantee does not have a CDBG-DR grant for the subsequent disaster.
Summary: These FAQs provide clarity for individuals who choose to participate in providing public comments for Request for Information (RFI) for HUD’s Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) Rules, Waivers, and Alternative Requirements (87 FR 77864) and/or RFI CDBG-DR Formula (87 FR 77855). Please note that both RFIs have a 60-day public comment period with a deadline of February 21, 2023.
Summary: This FAQ provide clarity for Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR), Mitigation (CDBG-MIT), or National Disaster Resilience Competition (CDBG-NDR) grants on Build Back, Buy America (BABA).
Summary: These FAQs provide clarity for grantees that are implementing section 1210 of the Disaster Recovery and Reform Act of 2018 (DRRA) that sunsets on October 5, 2023. This DRRA provision temporarily amended section 312 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (Stafford Act) (42 U.S.C. § 5155). For DRRA Qualifying Disasters (i.e., disasters declared between January 1, 2016 and December 31, 2021) only, FEMA advised in a Fact Sheet that a loan is not a prohibited DOB under section 312(b)(4)(C) of the Stafford Act, as amended by section 1210 of the DRRA, if all federal assistance is used toward a loss suffered as a result of a major disaster or emergency.
Summary: HUD has updated its policy for how a CDBG-DR grantee should apply the necessary and reasonable cost principles (Cost Principles) when conducting a duplication of benefits (DOB) analysis. Under this updated policy, grantees conducting a DOB analysis can apply the Cost Principles without determining exactly how a beneficiary spent their other, non-CDBG-DR financial assistance for a different purpose. Grantees are no longer required to subtract the amount of unspent or misspent non-CDBG-DR financial assistance for a different purpose from the CDBG-DR award. This creates a simplified analysis to fund unmet need because grantees can focus only on the non-CDBG-DR assistance provided for the same purpose as the CDBG-DR award.
Summary: On April 23, 2024, HUD published the Federal Flood Risk Management Standard (FFRMS) Final Rule, which amends HUD’s existing regulations to require a greater level of protection for new construction and substantial rehabilitation projects. The FFRMS Final Rule had a compliance deadline of June 24, 2024, for Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) and CDBG-Mitigation (CDBG-MIT) grantees. This document is intended to help CDBG-DR and CDBG-MIT grantees understand how the new FFRMS rule affects their projects.
Summary: The purpose of this factsheet series is to describe what a buyout activity is, provide a list of resources, and explain what the most recent buyout requirements are in HUD's Consolidated Notice .
- Part 1: Buyout Factsheet Series Introduction
- Part 2: Buyout Factsheet Series: The Consolidated Notice
Volume, Published Date | Summary |
Volume 1, February 2021 | Inherently Governmental Functions Admin Across Grants San Francisco Regional Spotlight |
Volume 2, April 2021 | DOB Total Assistance for Multiple Disasters Homeownership Assistance – Downpayment Waiver Fort Worth Texas Regional Spotlight |
Volume 3, July 2021 | 2 CFR 200 Changes Applying Prospectively Proof of Ownership Documentation Atlanta Georgia Regional Spotlight |
Volume 4, October 2021 | New Housing Construction Activities Most Impacted and Distressed (MID) Areas New York City Regional Spotlight |
Volume 5, March 2022 | Auditor Procurement Requirements in 2 CFR 200 Caribbean Regional Spotlight |
Volume 6, January 2023 | Area Median Income (AMI) Requirements for Non-Flood Related Disasters Purchase of Motor Vehicles Wildfire Disaster Type Spotlight |
Volume 7, June 2023 | Public Law 113-2 Expenditure Deadline Timing of CDBG-DR Funding Flooding Disaster Type Spotlight |
Volume 8, September 2023 | Meeting the Low- and Moderate-Income (LMI) Jobs National Objective Making Edits to Substantial Amendment After Public Comment Period Tornado Disaster Type Spotlight |
Volume 9, December 2023 | Transferring Program Income to CDBG Entitlement Funds Recertifying Homeownership Income for Grantee Rehabilitation Programs Earthquake Disaster Type Spotlight |
Volume 10, March 2024 | CDBG-DR Monitoring Season 2024 CDBG-DR Problem Solving Clinic ODR’s HUD.GOV Page VS CDBG-DR on the HUD Exchange Crosscutting Miniseries Overview Office of Environment and Energy Spotlight |
Volume 11, June 2024 | New ODR Guidance Products and Resources 2024 CDBG-DR Problem Solving Clinic Outcomes Crosscutting Miniseries Continued Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes Spotlight |
Volume 12, September 2024 | Universal Notice Overview New ODR Guidance Products and Resources In Person DRGR Workshop Training Opportunities Crosscutting Miniseries Continued Relocation and Real Estate Division (RRED) Spotlight |
Volume 13, January 2025 | Universal Notice Special Edition |
Content current as of January 21, 2025.
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