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    U.S. Virgin Islands Homepage


    U.S. Virgin Islands Homepage



    What issue are you facing?
    Where to get help
    I am in the U.S. Virgin Islands and I’m at risk for or currently experiencing homelessness and need immediate help, what should I do?
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    I am a veteran in U.S. Virgin Islands and at-risk for or currently experiencing homelessness, what should I do?
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    Affordable Places to LiveAffordable Places to Live

    What issue are you facing?
    Where to get help
    I am in search of an affordable place to live, where can I get help?

    HUD is not a direct service provider; HUD supports many organizations that provide housing assistance and/or supportive services to people. For direct assistance, please refer to the following resources:

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    What are HUD’s Income Limits for assisted housing programs including the Public Housing, Section 8 project-based, Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher, Section 202 housing for the elderly, and Section 811 housing for persons with disabilities programs.
    • The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) sets income limits that determine eligibility for assisted housing programs, for more information visit Income Limits | HUD USER
    I am a senior or disable person and looking for an affordable place to live, where can I get help?
    I want to port my voucher, what is the process?
    I currently have a Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) and need to complete annual recertification, view/reschedule inspections, or other help.
    What additional housing resources are available to me?

    There are other opportunities for affordable housing in addition to the Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) program and HUD subsidized public and private housing.

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    Where can I find information about Rental Complaints?
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    I need rental assistance (i.e. Section 8) from HUD, am I eligible and how do I apply?

    HUD has rental assistance and housing resources through the Public Housing and Housing Choice Voucher programs.

    • Public Housing provides decent and safe rental housing for eligible low-income families, the elderly and persons with disabilities. HUD provides federal aid to local Public Housing Authorities (PHA) that manage public housing for low-income residents at rents they can afford. What is Public Housing? Learn more about what it is, who is eligible, and how to apply.
      • Eligibility: Public Housing is limited to low-income families and individuals. A Public Housing Authority determines eligibility based on 1) annual gross income, 2) whether you qualify as elderly, a person with disabilities or as a family, and 3) U.S. citizenship or eligible immigration status.
      • To apply, contact Find a list of Public Housing Authority contacts by State or call (800) 955-2232 for help to find your local Public Housing Authority. Some PHAs have long waiting lists, so you may want to apply at more than one PHA. Your PHA can also give you a list of locations at which your voucher can be used.
    • Housing Choice Voucher (commonly known as Section 8): The Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program assists low-income families, the elderly, and the disabled to afford decent, safe and sanitary housing in the private market. Housing assistance is provided through HUD on behalf of the family or individual, so participants can find their own housing. You can use an HCV to pay for all or part of the rent.
      • Eligibility: A Public Housing Authority will determine eligibility for the housing choice voucher program based on the total annual gross income and family size, U.S. citizenship and specified categories of non-citizens who have eligible immigration status.
      • To apply, contact your local Public Housing Authority. During the application process, a Public Housing Authority will collect information on family income, assets and family composition. The Public Housing Authority will use this information to determine program eligibility and the amount of the housing assistance payment.
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    Where can I find government information for the U.S. Virgin Islands?


    What issue are you facing?
    Where to get help
    I am facing foreclosure, what can I do?
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    Where can I get information about becoming a homeowner?

    U.S. Virgin Islands:

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    How do I learn about Federal Housing Administration (FHA) loans and programs?
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    I am interested in buying a HUD home, where can I find information about HUD homes?
    • Use the HUD Home Store to find HUD homes for sale.
    • If you have questions about a property, you may contact the Listing or Selling Agent, or the Asset Manager for the property. You can find contact information by finding the property, clicking the Property Case number, then clicking the Agent Info tab. The HUD Homestore Help Desk cannot answer questions about individual properties and will refer you back to the Agent Info tab
    • Visit the Frequently Asked Questions portal at HUD Homestore Help or HUD Homes | HUD.gov
    • For additional information regarding this program, you may contact the FHA Resource Center at 1-800-225-5342 or email at answers@hud.gov.
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    I need to know how to pay off my FHA lien, where do I find this information?
    • Use the SMART Integrated Portal to request the payoff (see SMART FAQs & Resources). Borrowers, Lenders, and other third parties such as Title Companies and Attorneys with third party authorization may create accounts to request and to receive their documentation online, often with a very short turnaround.
    • Contact a Secretary-Held Mortgage Servicing Contractor to request a subordination, release or note request. For additional information regarding these programs, you may contact the FHA Resource Center at 1-800-225-5342 or by email at answers@hud.gov
    • Click here to access the online FHA Frequently Asked Questions site.

    ****Please note that local offices do not have information regarding FHA liens and notes****

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    I want to certify or recertify my condominium with FHA?
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    I am a realtor and I want to sell FHA REO Homes.
    • To apply for a NAID, recertify a NAID, or update the broker's Real Estate license, select the NAID Portal button. The applicant may send a request for additional information by email to: answers@hud.gov or call the FHA Resource Center at: 1-800-225-5342 or visit the FHA Resource Center Knowledge Database

    *****If you are experiencing problems trying to login or use the system, please try using Google Chrome or MS Edge before contacting the FHA Resource Center at (800) CALL-FHA (225-5342)*****

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    I need information about a Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) loan or to obtain an original note.
    • Compu-Link Corporation is responsible for servicing the Assigned Secretary-held Home Equity Conversion Mortgages (HECM) and HECM Subordinate Mortgages. All required documentation, correspondence, and servicing for the HECM Single Family Secretary-held Mortgages must be directed to Compu-Link.

    Requests for payoff statements, releases, and other documentation specific to this programs can be submitted to:

    HECM Servicer Inquiries: customerservice@hud.gov

    HECM Payoff Requests: payoff@hud.gov

    For additional information regarding this program, you may contact the FHA Resource Center at 1-800-225-5342.

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    What other resources are available to me?
    • You can find additional information on the Good Neighbor Next Door program here
    • If you need HUD to endorse a HECM (Reverse Mortgage) insurance check you may contact the FHA Resource Center.
    • Information about FHA mortgage insurance refunds and whether a refund may be owed to you, please contact the FHA Resource Center

    FHA Resource Center

    Phone: (800) 225-HELP (5342) Email: answers@hud.gov

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    Report Housing DiscriminationReport Housing Discrimination

    What issue are you facing?
    Where to get help
    I need to report housing discrimination, where do I go?

    * The Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination because of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status, or disability.
    • Please visit the Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity Page
    • File a complaint with HUD’s Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (FHEO):
      1. Online
      2. Housing Discrimination Hotline - We speak your language! Talk with an FHEO intake specialist by calling: 1-800-669-9777
      3. TTY line for the hearing impaired: (800) 877-8339

    Assistance for Persons with Limited English Proficiency

    You can report housing discrimination in any language. For persons with limited English proficiency, HUD provides interpreters. HUD also provides a Spanish language version of the online report housing discrimination form. You can find descriptions of your fair housing rights in several languages other than English here.

    For questions you may reach FHEO Region II: New Jersey, New York, and the Caribbean

    Call: (212) 542-7519 or (800) 496-4294 or email: ComplaintsOffice02@hud.gov

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    What are my rights when it comes to English Limited Proficiency?
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    My landlord says I cannot have an emotional support animal (ESA) or a service/assistance animal. What can I do?
    I have questions about accessible Parking Spaces for Persons with a Disabilities?
    • Inquiries or consults about the use of accessible parking spaces in federally-funded or private housing developments are evaluated on a case-by-case basis since each situation is different. You may contact the HUD Office of Fair Housing (FHEO) for a consult on your particular situation:

      Contact FHEO Hotline: 1-800-496-4294

    • ADA topics on Accessible Parking Spaces
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    I have a disability, what other resources are available?
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    Rent Relief & Eviction ResourcesRent Relief & Eviction Resources

    What issue are you facing?
    Where to get help
    I am facing eviction, what can I do?

    HUD is not a direct service provider, but HUD supports many organizations that provide housing assistance and/or supportive services to people. For direct assistance, please refer to the following resources:

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    I am having issues with my management company and/or building (ex. no heat, hot water, etc.)
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    I need rental payment assistance, where can I get help?
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    Are there ways to make your home more energy efficient?

    Assistance in paying utility bills for water and electricity: (please check with the agencies in reference for process and funds)

    USVI: U.S. Virgin Islands DHS: Family Assistance Programs Energy Assistance (gov.vi)

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    I want to know the income limit for public housing and/or the fair market rent maximum for my area.?
    • Find the income limits for public housing here.
    • Find the fair market rents here.
    What is Section 3, and what are the requirements in my area?
    • Learn more about Section 3 requirements: to promote training, employment, contracting, and other economic opportunities to low- and very low-income persons.
    Where can I comment about HUD Programs or regulations?

    The Federal Register is the official journal of the federal government of the United States that contains government agency rules, proposed rules, and public notices

    Speak to a Housing CounselorSpeak to a Housing Counselor

    What issue are you facing?
    Where to get help

    I'd like to speak with a housing counselor, what can they assist me with?

    • Becoming a homeowner
    • Foreclosure assistance
    • Reverse mortgages
    • Home improvements/repairs to my home
    • Renting

    Speak with a HUD Approved Housing Counselor. A HUD Approved Housing Counseling Agency can offer advice customized to your housing needs.

    Where can I find more resources?
    • Visit the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, a U.S. government agency dedicated to making sure you are treated fairly by banks, lenders and other financial institutions.
    • Visit the Federal Trade Commission, which protects the public from deceptive or unfair business practices and unfair methods of competition through law enforcement, advocacy, research, and education.
    • Visit the Federal Housing Finance Agency who is committed to ensuring that the regulated entities meet their mission to support responsible access to affordable housing and targeted economic development financing nationwide, while promoting market stability and liquidity.
    • Avoid Predatory Lending, predatory lending is a term used to describe a wide range of unfair financial practices. Here are some resources that can help you avoid being a victim.
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    Housing Quality & Improved Living ConditionsHousing Quality & Improved Living Conditions

    What issue are you facing?
    Where to get help
    I am in HUD funded housing, where can I find information about my property/unit inspection?
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    What are housing quality standards?
    • Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program regulations set forth basic housing quality standards (HQS) which all units must meet before assistance can be paid on behalf of a family and at least annually throughout the term of the assisted tenancy. More information is available here: Housing Quality Standards.
    I am worried about lead-based paint. Where can I find this information?

    If your home was built before 1978, it is more likely to have lead-based paint. This paint, if properly managed and maintained, poses little risk. If allowed to deteriorate, lead from paint can threaten the health of occupants, especially children under six years old. A few tips to reduce sources of lead exposure:

    o Si habla español la mejor forma en contactar al Centro Nacional de Información sobre el Plomo (NLIC por sus siglas en inglés) es por teléfono a 1 (800) 424-LEAD [5323] o por correo con el formato abajo. Personal bilingüe (inglés/español) está disponible en el número de lunes a viernes, 8:00am a 6:00pm, tiempo del este.

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    What are my options for home improvement?

    There are various federal loan programs and community-based programs to help with home repairs and improvements. Learn more about HUD’s Home Improvements programs or visit Home repair and improvement programs for special groups | USAGov

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    What other resources may be available for me?

    Other Health and Environmental Safety information:

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    DisasterResourcesDisaster Resources

    What issue are you facing?
    Where to get help
    I have experienced a disaster and need to register with FEMA. What do I do?

    Immediately after a disaster, FEMA, the U.S. Small Business Administration, and other government agencies offer initial assistance. HUD then provides additional support for ongoing recovery through programs and partnerships.

    • Register with FEMA online
    • Register through FEMA’s disaster app on your smartphone. If you haven’t downloaded the app yet, you can go to www.fema.gov/about/news-multimedia/mobile-products
    • Call (800) 621-3362. Phone lines are open 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. local time, seven days a week until further notice. Multilingual operators are on duty.


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    I have experienced a disaster and need to reach out to my Local Red Cross for help. Where do I go?
    I experienced a disaster and need help.
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    What other resources may be available for me?

    For emergencies, please call 911

    U.S. Virgin Islands:

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    I would like to file a complaint with HUD regarding the Community Development Block Grant Program for Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) for the U.S. Virgin Islands.

    My Local Office Information

    For assistance at all times, we encourage you to utilize the self-help resources above.

    If you are unable to have your questions answered from the resources above, please click on the Need More Help button below to contact your local office for further assistance.


    Need More Help?


    San Juan Field Office
    Parque Las Americas I
    235 Federico Costa Street, Suite 200
    San Juan, Puerto Rico 00918

    Get Directions

    [Phone Icon]Phone: (787) 766-5400

    [Fax Icon] Fax: (202) 485-5623

    Service Hours
    9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
    Monday through Thursday

    Efrain Maldonado, Field Office Director


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    ⚠ In Distress? Reach Out for Help Now

    At HUD, we know housing challenges often come with other struggles. You’re not alone. These resources can help with safe housing, emergencies, or connecting with someone who will listen.

    If you are in immediate danger or need urgent help, please call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.

    988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. Life’s challenges can sometimes be difficult. If you are feeling overwhelmed, facing mental health struggles, or emotional distress, free support is available any time:

    • Call: 988
    • Text: 988
    • Chat: 988lifeline.org
      Trained counselors are here to listen and help, 24/7.

    Support for Domestic Violence Survivors. If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence, confidential help is available 24/7:

    Mental Health & Substance Use Support. The U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Helpline offers free and confidential support for mental health, drug or alcohol use, and recovery:

    Rental, Homelessness, and Eviction Help. Need help with housing challenges, like eviction, renting, foreclosure, or credit issues?

    Row of houses