Materials for Pre-Occupancy Conferences:
San Francisco Multifamily
San Francisco Multifamily
Before attending a pre-occupancy conference hosted by Multifamily, please perform the following tasks:
- Read this introduction to a pre-occupancy conference
- Obtain authorization to access Secure Systems by performing the steps described in the document entitled "How to Obtain Authorization to Become a Secure Systems Coordinator or User"
- Familiarize yourself with the documents that are available at HUDCLIPS
- Familiarize yourself with the Active Partners Performance System (APPS)
- Familiarize yourself with HUD's physical requirements
- Familiarize yourself with HUD's financial requirements
- Familiarize yourself with HUD's miscellaneous regulatory requirements
- Complete Form HUD-9832, Management Entity Profile, and bring it to the pre-occupancy conference. This form is available at HUDCLIPS
- Complete and bring to the pre-occupancy conference one or more of the following applicable forms which are also available at HUDClips: Form HUD-9839-A, Project Owner's Certification for Owner-Managed Multifamily Housing Projects; Form HUD-9839-B, Project Owner's/Management Agent's Certification; or form HUD-9839-C, Project Owner's/Borrower's Certification.
- If you will own or manage a HUD-subsidized apartment:
- Familiarize yourself with the summary of occupancy requirements
- Familiarize yourself with the Enterprise Income Verification system (EIV)
- Familiarize yourself with the Tenant Rental Assistance Certification System (TRACS)
- Obtain access to the Department of Homeland Security's Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE) database, send your name, address, fax number, and phone number, together with the name and address of the property, to
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