Submit Requests Electronically to the Multifamily West Region
Multifamily West Region encourages all requests for processing from Owners and Management Agents to be submitted to our centralized e-mail addresses rather than directly to your HUD Account Executive or via paper mail.
Benefits to Owners and Management Agents
- Convenience: Option to use email rather than paper mail.
- Simplicity: One simple address to which you may send all requests – no need to determine which HUD employee is servicing your property.
- Customer Service: HUD staff will log and route your request.
The servicing office for several of our states has changed. Please update as follows:
- If your property is located in Federal Region 9 (Arizona, California, Hawaii – Pacific or Nevada) send requests to
- If your property is located in Federal Region 8 (Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah or Wyoming) or Federal Region 10 (Alaska, Idaho, Oregon or Washington) send requests to
- Format the subject line as follows: Request Type, Project Name, FHA # or Contract #
Example: Management Cert, Market St Apts, 121-11111 - To reduce email duplication and to ensure that our office properly logs your request, please do not send a copy to your HUD Account Executive.
- Preservation deals in states serviced by the San Francisco Regional Center should have the word “Preservation” in the subject line and be cc’d to
Request Types
- All types of requests will be accepted at these mailboxes.
- Examples of common processing requests:
- Contract renewals
- Exigent Health & Safety (EH&S) certifications
- Management certifications
- Reserve for Replacement (R4R) releases
- Rent increases and utility allowance adjustments
Account Executives will continue to handle all technical assistance requests.
We strongly encourage you to take advantage of this new option and we welcome your feedback. If you have any questions, feel free to contact a HUD Account Executive.
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