Office of Davis Bacon and Labor Standards
    Region IV Atlanta

    Training Materials

    Form No. Subject
    OLR 4 Federal labor Standards for HUD Programs Power Point Presentation

    Form No. Subject
    HUD-4010 Federal labor standards for CDBG, HOME contracts
    HUD-5370 General conditions  for construction contracts - Public Housing Programs
    For construction/development contracts greater than $100,000
    HUD-5370-EZ General conditions  for small construction /development contracts - Public Housing Programs
    For construction/development contracts greater than $2,000 but not more than $100,000
    Section I
    General conditions for non-construction work (public housing agencies)

    Section I (with or without maintenance work)
    Section II
    General conditions for non-construction work (public housing agencies)

    Section II (with maintenance work)


    Memo No. Subject
    AAM 130 Application of the Standard of Comparison "Projects of a Character Similar" Under the Davis-Bacon And Related Acts (3/17/1978)
    AAM 131 Clarification of All Agency Memorandum No. 130 (7/14/1978)
    AAM 148
    Allowable ratio of apprentices to journeymen on Davis-Bacon and Related Act covered projects.


    Form No. Subject
    DOL WH-347 WH-347 Certified Weekly Payroll (new version)
    HUD-11 HUD-11 Employee Interview (English), and instructions
    HUD-11 HUD-11 Employee Interview (Spanish)
    HUD 4710 Labor Standards Semi-Annual Enforcement Report
    HUD 4710i Labor Standards Semi-Annual Enforcement Report - instructions
    HUD 4730 Questionnaire
    HUD 4731 Complaint Intake
    HUD 4230A Additional classification request, in Office 97, Office 2003 formats, and a pdf file
      Additional classification policy/procedure guidance sheet and sample letter
    DOL Labor Standards poster - English
    DOL Labor Standards poster - Spanish

    Publication No. Subject
    HUD LR01.DG Making Davis-Bacon Work:  A Contractor's Guide to Prevailing Wage Requirements for Federally-Assisted Construction Projects
    HUD LR04.DG Making Davis-Bacon Work:  A Practical Guide for States, Indian Tribes and Local Agencies
    HUD 1344.1 HUD Handbook 1344.1, Federal Labor Standards Compliance in Housing and Community Development Programs

    HUD Labor Relations Letters -

    Letter No. Subject
    LR-92-01 Applicability of Federal wage rate requirements to prison inmates
    LR-92-02 Labor Standards Enforcement Reports
    LR-92-03 STEP-UP Q&A
    LR-92-04 STEP-UP Q&A
    LR-93-01 Modernization Programs
    LR-95-01 CWHSSA Provisions
    LR-96-01 REV-1, Self-Employed Sub-Contractors
    LR-96-02 Application of labor standards to HOME Projects
    LR-96-03 Concerning "projects of a similar character"
    LR-2004-01 Admin & Enforcement of Prevailing Wage Rates Determined or Adopted
    LR-2004-02 Inapplicability of Certain provisions to PHAs
    LR-2006-01 Housing Finance Risk-Sharing Programs
    LR-2006-02 Custody, Security and Disposal of Federal Labor Standards documents
    LR-2006-03 Incorporation of provisions into bid specifications and contracts
    LR-2009-01 Davis-Bacon Applicability to Demolition Work

    HUD OLR On the Mark Series -

    # Date Topic
    1 5/96 What about contractor clearances?
    2 5/96 What about wage decision modifications?
    3 6/96 What about additional classifications?
    4 6/96 What about wage restitution?
    5 *  
    6 6/97 What's new about on-line contractor debarment checks?
    7 *  
    8 10/05 What's new about on-line Davis-Bacon information?
    9 4/06 What's new about contractor and subcontractor certification forms?
    10 6/06 What's new about Davis-Bacon payroll certification forms?
    11 2/07 What's new about maintenance contract thresholds?
    12 5/09 What's new about Davis-Bacon payroll reporting?
    13 12/09 What's new about Davis-Bacon posters? Rev. 1
    14 9/09 What's new about electronic Davis-Bacon payrolls?
    15 12/09 What's new about getting news from the HUD Office of Labor Relations?

    *OTM's #5 and #7 were canceled and superseded by OTM #8.
