Home / State Information / Shared / Working / Region 10 / Newsletters / Region X HUD Highlights: August / September 2022
August / September 2022

Serving Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington

Administrative Note: Some of you may not have received this newsletter for over a year after our dear colleague and Public Affairs Officer for HUD Region X Leland Jones passed away unexpectedly in April 2021. While he is greatly missed and often remembered, we have carried on his legacy of a monthly newsletter. However, we recently discovered that we were only sending the newsletter to a portion of our subscribers. The issue has now been resolved and you can expect to receive our regular monthly newsletters going forward. You can check out our past newsletters here.

A Message from Regional Administrator Margaret Solle Salazar

Dear HUD Partners,

It's been a busy summer; hopefully you had a chance to enjoy the holiday weekend before we jump into our autumn activities and the upcoming fiscal year end. We have exciting things happening here in Region X, including getting this newsletter out to folks who haven't received it in over a year (see the above Administrative Note). If you're someone who hasn't heard from me yet, I look forward to working with you and please feel free to reach out to me or any of our Field Office Directors listed at the bottom of the newsletter.

The two biggest takeaways from our work over the past few months are the historic federal resources that are hitting the streets and the focus from HUD headquarters on our region. We are seeing the outcomes from American Rescue Plan Act funding and there are success stories all around us – Emergency Housing Vouchers in King County have housed nearly 800 households and Senator Murray hosted an event at the Housing Authority of Thurston County to talk about Emergency Housing Voucher successes. We know many of you have your own success stories to share, and we would love to hear from you about your good work.

We have also released historic levels of resources in new Notice of Funding Opportunities including $2.8 billion in competitive funding to homeless services organizations across the country, new Stability Vouchers with $43 million in funding, a related unsheltered and rural homeless NOFO announced back in June, and most recently $15 million for the Older Adult Home Modification Program to help low-income older Americans age in place through home modifications.

The second big takeaway is the focus of senior HUD officials on the Northwest. HUD Secretary Marcia L. Fudge visited the Portland area in April, her top Senior Advisor on homelessness issues Dr. Richard Cho visited Eugene, Washington County, Oregon and the Portland area in July, and HUD Deputy Secretary Adrianne Todman visited Alaska just a few weeks ago.

One thing all these visits have in common is a focus on housing supply.

You know I am passionate about housing supply here in my home in the Pacific Northwest. In our region, with diverse cultures and landscapes, home comes in many shapes and sizes. This summer, your HUD Region X team has been out in communities large and small to highlight and celebrate groundbreakings and grand openings with you. In central city neighborhoods of Seattle, Eugene, Anchorage, Spokane and Boise, we've applauded your success creating new high and mid-rise apartments and Permanent Supportive Housing. We've visited sites of new homes in rural Bethel, Alaska, and Eastern Oregon, and we've stood by our suburban leaders in Tigard, Hillsboro, and Renton making bold and inclusive steps to house people experiencing homelessness. We're working closely with Tribal leaders to develop creative housing solutions as well. From Eugene's beautiful new permanent supportive housing project, The Nel, to Washington County's innovative Hillsboro Bridge Shelter, our region is leading in creative solutions to get people indoors and make sure they have the support they need to stay there.

You all are continuing to navigate unprecedented resources in your communities, and we are here to help. We know this work is difficult and that these are nuanced, complex issues. I invite you to call on our team if there is anything we can do to assist. A few resources and best practices that may help you are below.

USICH guidance: 7 Principles for Addressing Encampments

U.S. Treasury Affordable Housing Guide for Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds program

Continuum of Care supplemental notice of funding to address unsheltered and rural homelessness

Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 Continuum of Care Competition

House America HUD and the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness (USICH) federal initiative

We are grateful for your partnership and invested in the success of our communities throughout the region. Thank you for your commitment to this important work.

HUD Region X News

ANCHORAGE, AK: Alaska Faces Unique Housing Challenges, as Feds Send Millions of Dollars to Help, Top HUD Official Says
HUD Deputy Secretary Adrianne Todman was in Alaska where she announced more than $220 million in funding for affordable housing and development to benefit Alaska Native and American Indian communities, and over $800,000 to help house Native American military veterans.

WASHOUGAL, WA: Vancouver Housing Authority to Develop Affordable Housing in Washougal
The Vancouver Housing Authority has purchased two parcels of land in downtown Washougal and plans to construct workforce-housing using funds including HUD's HOME program and Community Development Block Grants.

OLYMPIA, WA: Thurston County Received 68 Housing Vouchers from American Rescue Plan, Murray Learns
Local housing leaders met with U.S. Sen. Patty Murray in Olympia to talk about the American Rescue Plan Act, and how the funding has helped local housing programs, including HUD's Emergency Housing Voucher program.

TACOMA, WA: Tacoma Housing Authority Finalizes Purchase of North Highland Court Apartments
The Tacoma Housing Authority has acquired the North Highland Court apartment complex. The 35-unit community becomes the third such THA-owned property in the north end. HUD Housing Choice Voucher participants will be prioritized for placement in apartments.

SEATTLE, WA: King County is Distributing Emergency Housing Vouchers Faster than Other Regions
The King County Regional Homelessness Authority has used federal emergency vouchers to house 786 previously-homeless households, or 58% of the 1300 housing vouchers that were allocated across the three public housing authorities in Seattle, Renton, and King County.

BOISE, ID: Simpson Secures $4M in Funding for Boise Downtown Y Replacement Project
Idaho 2nd District Rep. Mike Simpson has secured $4 million in federal funding from HUD for the Boise downtown YMCA replacement, as part of the fiscal year 2023 federal appropriations package. The funds will be for design and construction of a new downtown YMCA facility.

EUGENE, OR: Eugene Awarded Millions in Federal Funds to Combat Homelessness
The City of Eugene and State of Oregon joined House America, a national initiative to combat homelessness. OHCS and other House America partners will work with HUD and USICH to use federal, state, and local resources to help reach national housing goals.

TACOMA, WA: Pierce County Announces $12.9M in Homeless Housing Program Funding
Pierce County has awarded roughly $12.9 million in funding from HUD and state and local sources to support homeless crisis programs like street outreach, emergency shelter, transitional housing, rapid re-housing, and permanent supportive housing.

OLYMPIA, WA: Olympia Council OKs Funding for Family Support Center's Supportive Housing Project
The Family Support Center of South Sound is on its way toward breaking ground on permanent supportive housing in hopes of helping chronically homeless families. Using HUD CDBG funds, the county's newest shelter will add 64 more units for families and victims of domestic violence.

Region X Funding Awards

HUD Announces Funds to Keep Former Foster Youth Housed in Washington (July 27, 2022)
HUD announced the awarding of nearly $621,000 to 14 public housing agencies in 12 states to provide housing assistance to youth who are aging out of foster care and are experiencing or at risk of experiencing homelessness, including the Housing Authority of the City of Bremerton.

On 32nd Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, HUD Awards over $36 Million in Mainstream Vouchers and Fees to Support Community Living for People with Disabilities (July 27, 2022)
HUD announced the awarding of more than $36 million for Mainstream Vouchers and additional administrative fees to 218 public housing agencies (PHAs) in 46 states to assist people with disabilities, including $3,706,816 in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington.

Affordable Rental Housing Community for Seniors in North Seattle, WA Completes Construction under Section 202 Grant Award (August 4, 2022)
HUD Office of Multifamily Housing announced the completion of Northaven West, a senior community in North Seattle, WA. The construction was funded in part by a $3 million capital advance grant awarded under HUD's Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly program.

HUD Awards More than $840,000 to Provide Rental Assistance and Supportive Services to Native American Veterans Experiencing or At Risk of Experiencing Homelessness (August 9, 2022)
HUD awarded $841,113 in Tribal HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing grants to three Tribally Designated Housing Entities, including Cook Inlet Housing Authority in Alaska, to help house 45 Native American Veterans experiencing or at risk of experiencing homelessness.

HUD Deputy Secretary Travels to Alaska to Focus on Tribal Housing Supply (August 12, 2022)
HUD Deputy Secretary Adrianne Todman was in Alaska to discuss Tribal housing supply with local leaders and organizations across the state. Over the past two years, HUD has awarded Alaskan Tribal entities and Native Villages unprecedented funding.

HUD Awards $25 Million to Stabilize Public Housing Agencies Facing Financial Shortfalls (August 23, 2022)
HUD awarded $25 million to 181 PHAs experiencing or at risk of experiencing financial shortfalls. This Public Housing Operating Fund Shortfall funding will enable PHAs to continue serving residents as they take steps to ensure long-term financial solvency.

HUD Awards $41.3 Million in Housing Counseling Grants (August 24, 2022)
HUD Office of Housing Counseling awarded $41.3M to housing counseling organizations, including Idaho Housing and Finance Association, Community Connection of Northeast Oregon, Washington State Housing Finance Commission, and Open Door Counseling Center.

Funding Opportunities

Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 Continuum of Care Competition and Noncompetitive Award of Youth Homeless Demonstration Program Renewal and Replacement Grants – CLOSING 9/30/2022
The CoC Program is designed to promote a community-wide commitment to the goal of ending homelessness; by quickly re-housing homeless individuals, families, persons fleeing domestic violence, and youth; promote access to mainstream programs; and to optimize self-sufficiency.

2022 Family Self-Sufficiency NOFO – CLOSING 10/7/2022
FSS provides grants to Public Housing Authorities to support the salaries and training needs of FSS Program Coordinators who assist participating families receiving housing assistance through the Housing Choice
Voucher and Public Housing programs.

FY 2021 and FY 2022 Rural Capacity Building for Community Development and Affordable Housing Grants – CLOSING 10/11/2022
This program enhances the capacity and ability of rural housing development organizations, Community Development Corporations, Community Housing Development Organizations, rural local governments, and Indian tribes to carry out affordable housing and community development activities in rural areas.

Older Adults Home Modification Grant Program – CLOSING 10/13/2022
The purpose of the program is to assist experienced nonprofit organizations, state and local governments, and PHAs in undertaking programs that make safety and functional home modification repairs and renovations to meet the needs of low-income elderly adult homeowners.

Continuum of Care Supplemental to Address Unsheltered and Rural Homelessness – CLOSING 10/20/2022
This Special NOFO to Address Unsheltered and Rural Homelessness is designed to provide new funds dedicated to serving highly vulnerable individuals and families with histories of unsheltered homelessness.

Community Development Block Grant Program for Indian Tribes and Alaska Native Villages – CLOSING 10/24/2022
The primary objective of the ICDBG program is the development of viable Indian and Alaska Native communities, including the creation of decent housing, suitable living environments, and economic opportunities primarily for persons of low-and moderate-incomes.

Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) Competitive Grant Program – CLOSING 11/17/2022
Eligible Indian tribes and tribally designated housing entities receive grants for affordable housing activities, including develop, maintain, and operate affordable housing in safe and healthy environments on Indian reservations and in other Indian areas.

HUD Announcements

To Mark Disability Pride Month and the 32nd Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, HUD Reaffirms Its Commitment to Community Living for Individuals with Disabilities (July 1, 2022)
July marks the 2022 celebration of Disability Pride Month and the 32nd anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, a comprehensive civil rights law for persons with disabilities.

Vinay Singh Sworn in as HUD Chief Financial Officer (July 5, 2022)
Vinay Singh was sworn in as HUD's Chief Financial Officer.

HUD Announces 100th Community to Join "House America" Homelessness Initiative (July 7, 2022)
HUD Secretary Marcia L. Fudge announced Santa Clara County, California as the 100th community to join the Administration's House America initiative to tackle homelessness by leveraging American Rescue Plan and other federal resources through a Housing First approach.

Federal Housing Administration Expands Mortgage Eligibility for Borrowers Previously Affected by COVID-19 (July 7, 2022)
The FHA announced new flexibility for lenders when qualifying borrowers who experienced previous employment gaps or loss of income due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

HUD Announces 24 Programs to Join Biden-Harris Administration Justice40 Initiative (July 15, 2022)
As part of the Biden-Harris Administration's agenda to advance environmental justice, HUD released a list of its programs included in the Administration's Justice40 Initiative.

HUD Proposes Updates to Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards (July 19, 2022)
HUD announced its proposals for updating the Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards, commonly referred to as the "HUD Code." The proposed updates were published in the Federal Register and are the largest set of changes to the HUD Code in over two decades.

HUD and Census Bureau Report New Residential Sales in June 2022 (July 26, 2022)
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the U.S. Census Bureau jointly announced the following new residential sales statistics for June 2022

HUD Publishes Draft Housing Assistance Payment Support Services Procurement Solicitation for Public Feedback (July 27, 2022)
HUD published a draft solicitation containing its proposal to formally procure contractors to provide Housing Assistance Payments contract support services to HUD and service approximately 16,000 project-based rental assistance contracts.

Biden Administration Announces Steps to Lower Electricity Bills for Residents in HUD Programs (July 27, 2022)
The Biden Administration, through HUD, announced new measures to connect families served by HUD programs to solar power and help lower their electricity bills.

HUD Announces $2.8 Billion to Help People Experiencing Homelessness (August 1, 2022)
HUD announced $2.8 billion in competitive funding to homeless services organizations across the country for supportive services and housing programs for people experiencing homelessness.

HUD Releases Economic Justice Agenda to Help Low-Income Renters Build Assets (August 4, 2022)
HUD released an agenda for economic justice that describes actions the department will take to help low-income renters build assets, along with a Notice of Funding Opportunity for $113 million for the Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) program.

HUD Announces $221 Million to Tribal Communities for Affordable Housing and Community Development (August 8, 2022)
HUD announced $221 million in competitive funding for affordable housing and community development projects that primarily benefit low-to-moderate income persons in American Indian and Alaska Native communities.

HUD Announces $10 Million Funding Opportunity for Capacity Building in Rural America (August 11, 2022)
HUD announced $10M in Rural Capacity Building grants to enhance the capacity and ability of rural housing development organizations, CDCs, CHDOs, rural local governments, and Indian tribes to carry out affordable housing and community development activities in rural areas.

HUD Awards $41 Million to Boost Local Affordable Housing and Community Development (August 16, 2022)
HUD announced $41 million for local affordable housing and community development activities that benefit people with low-incomes. The funding is being awarded through HUD's Capacity Building for Affordable Housing and Community Development program.

Federal Housing Administration Implements Residential Care Facility "Green Mortgage Insurance Premium" Reductions (August 18, 2022)
The FHA announced guidance for lenders to obtain a reduction of upfront and annual mortgage insurance premiums on most Section 232 Residential Care Facility mortgages for subject properties that meet industry-recognized green building certifications.

HUD and Census Bureau Report New Residential Sales in July 2022 (August 23, 2022)
HUD and the U.S. Census Bureau jointly announced new residential sales statistics for July 2022.

HUD Releases Allocation Strategy and Program Requirements for New Stability Vouchers (August 24, 2022)
Under the Stability Voucher program, HUD will award up to $43.4M to support approximately 4,000 new incremental vouchers with the goal of encouraging a community-wide commitment to the goal of ending homelessness through a coordinated, Housing First approach.

Secretary Fudge Announces $15 Million to Help Older Americans Age in Place (August 29, 2022)
HUD announced $15M to help older Americans age in place through home modifications. The funding will assist nonprofit organizations, state and local governments, and public housing authorities in undertaking programs to meet the needs of low-income elderly homeowners.

Upcoming Training and Events

2022 Fair Housing Office Hours: Session 13 – General Questions
September 13, 2022 | 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM EDT - This virtual office hours session will review topics in AFFH and provide grantees an opportunity to ask questions on fair housing planning.

Housing Counseling Webinar: Title Policy 101
September 20, 2022 | 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM EDT - This webinar is designed to help HCAs better understand the basics of title policies and potential issues that can occur with a property title when buying a home, such as a clouded title, and how these issues can be addressed.

NFHTA Forum | Addressing Systemic Housing Challenges: Racism in the Homebuying Process
September 21, 2022 | 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM EDT - This NFHTA forum will pull back the covers on subtle yet discriminatory practices that deny potential homebuyers access to fair and equitable housing.

Housing Counseling Webinar: Real Estate Wire Fraud
September 22, 2022 | 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM EDT - This webinar will explore the latest trends in real estate wire fraud and steps a consumer can take to report and resolve cases of fraud.

NFHTA Basics of Fair Housing - September 2022
September 26, 2022 | 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM EDT - The Basics of Fair Housing course ensures that FHIP and FHAP participants have a foundational framework which they can build upon to carry out their duties in a professional and proficient manner.

2022 Fair Housing Office Hours: Session 14 – Data Collection and Analysis
September 27, 2022 | 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM EDT - This virtual office hours session will review topics in AFFH and provide grantees with an opportunity to ask questions on fair housing planning.

Lead Safe Housing Rule Webinar Series: Subparts H, L, and M - Fall 2022
October 5 - November 3, 2022 - This webinar series provides guidance for participants to review federal lead regulations with a focus on the LSHR activities for project-based assistance (Subpart H), public housing (Subpart L), and TBRA (Subpart M).

2022 Section 3 Final Rule – Office Hours – Session 3
October 11, 2022 | 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM EDT - These office hours will provide the opportunity to ask unanswered questions and get clarity on the new Section 3 Final Rule.

2022 Fair Housing Office Hours: Session 15 – General Questions
October 11, 2022 | 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM EDT - This virtual office hours session will review topics in AFFH and provide grantees an opportunity to ask questions on fair housing planning.

2022 Fair Housing Office Hours: Session 16 – Goal Setting and Reporting
October 25, 2022 | 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM EDT - This virtual office hours session will review topics in AFFH and provide grantees with an opportunity to ask questions on fair housing planning.

2022 Section 3 Final Rule – Office Hours – Session 4
November 3, 2022 | 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM EDT - These office hours will provide the opportunity to ask unanswered questions and get clarity on the new Section 3 Final Rule.

2022 Section 3 Final Rule – Office Hours – Session 5
December 13, 2022 | 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM EST - These office hours will provide the opportunity to ask unanswered questions and get clarity on the new Section 3 Final Rule.

2022 Section 3 Final Rule – Office Hours – Session 6
January 11, 2023 | 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM EST - These office hours will provide the opportunity to ask unanswered questions and get clarity on the new Section 3 Final Rule.

In Case You Missed It

HUD PD&R Housing Market Profile for Fairbanks, Alaska

Up for Growth Housing Underproduction in the US 2022 Report

US Treasury Affordable-Housing-How-To-Guide

Davis-Bacon and Labor Standards: Agency/Contractor Guide and Contractor Addendum

HUD's Latest Edition of Cityscape on Measuring Blight

HUD Article: Uptake and Impact of Emergency Rental Assistance Among HUD-Assisted Households



Seattle Regional Office

Regional Administrator: Margaret Solle Salazar
Deputy Regional Administrator: Michael Look
Regional Public Affairs Officer: Vanessa Krueger
Email: Vanessa.J.Krueger@hud.gov
Customer Service: WA_Webmanager@hud.gov
Phone:(206) 262-8608
Web: www.hud.gov/washington

State Field Offices

Anchorage Field Office Director: Chad Stovall
Customer Service: AK_Webmanager@hud.gov
Phone: (907) 677-9800
Web: www.hud.gov/alaska

Idaho State Director: Brian Dale
Customer Service: ID_Webmanager@hud.gov
Phone: (208) 334-1990
Web: www.hud.gov/idaho

Portland Field Office Director: Bryan Guiney (Acting)
Customer Service: OR_Webmanager@hud.gov
Phone: (971) 222-2600
Web: www.hud.gov/oregon

Seattle Field Office Director: Gary Gant
Customer Service: WA_Webmanager@hud.gov
Phone: (971) 220-5101
Web: www.hud.gov/washington

Additional Resources

For Public Housing: 1-800-955-2232
For Housing Counseling: 1-800-569-4287
For Housing Discrimination: 1-800-669-9777 (or 1-800-927-9275 for TTY)
For Multifamily Complaints: 1-800-MULTI-70 (1-800-685-8470)
For Office of Inspector General: 1-800-347-3735

At www.hud.gov, you can find information on most of our programs, including information and resources related to COVID-19 at www.hud.gov/coronavirus.

If your mortgage is insured by FHA: 1-800-Call-FHA (1-800-225-5342) or email: answers@hud.gov

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers the most up-to-date information on COVID-19. For updates from CDC, visit www.coronavirus.gov.
