The North Carolina Field Office Celebrates Black History Month
[Greensboro Field Office Employee Engagement Team hosts Black History Celebration event]
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The Greensboro Field Office Employee Engagement Team, led by Staci Conklin, hosted two dynamic Black History Celebration events. The theme was "Black Resilience."

The Black History Celebration started with a tour of the International Civil Rights Center & Museum in Greensboro, NC. The museum covered many critical themes during the civil rights movement. One impactful event in North Carolina was the "Sit-Ins" that some believed sparked the nationwide civil rights movement, credited to four North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University (an HBCU) male students who believed that Blacks should be able to eat from the same counter as others – "Can't Eat Don't Buy."

The field office ended its celebration with a guest speaker, Ms. Arline Parks, a relative of Staci Conklin, who provided a riveting encounter of her family's rich history and lineage in North Carolina during the civil rights movement. Participants asked questions, then shared their Black Greek Letter Organization's contributions to the civil rights movement in America.
