Smoke-Free Multifamily Housing Toolkits


    Smoke-Free Multifamily Housing Toolkit Podcast: Click Here!
    Smoke-Free Housing Press Release
            Toolkits help federally assisted housing managers to adopt smoke-free policies

    Toolkits for Owners/Management Agents and Residents

    These Smoke-Free Housing Toolkits are provided by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in partnership with the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Lung Association, and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. They are a compilation of existing educational, "how-to" and resource brochures, pamphlets and other information designed to assist owners/management agents and residents of public and assisted multi-family housing who want safer and healthier homes.

    Smoke-Free Housing Toolkit for Public Housing Authorities and Owners/Management Agents

    Smoke-Free Housing Toolkit for Residents

    Link to pdf file Joint letter from partners

    Note to Public Housing Agencies

    Public and Indian Housing Smoke-Free Notice PIH-2012-25

    Office of Housing Smoke-Free Notice 2012-22

    *Booklet Available for MUH Property Managers: “An Apartment Manager’s Guide to Adopting a Smoke-Free Building Policy in the United States."

    Montana Tobacco Use Prevention materials for developers and managers


    For more information, please email: