www.hudclips.org U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Washington, D.C. 20410-8000 OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR HOUSING-FEDERAL HOUSING COMMISSIONER July 24, 1997 MORTGAGEE LETTER 97-33 TO: ALL APPROVED MORTGAGEES SUBJECT: Single Family Loan Servicing - Internet Access to Single Family Portfolio through FHA Connection Effective July 14, 1997, mortgagees will be able to access their Single Family Portfolio via internet through the "FHA Connection" program. Mortgagees and their designated service bureaus will be able to receive upon request, a file of their Single Family servicing portfolio for downloading. The function allows the requestor to select parameters for the file or to view information for a single case online. Instructions for requesting and retrieving reports are provided in online help screens within the application. To use this new feature of FHA Connection, your Application Coordinator must add this application to your ID. To obtain access to FHA Connection or for additional information on adding new applications to your ID, please see Mortgagee Letter 97-14 . Mortgagees must send a request via e-mail to sf_premiums@hud.gov if they want their service bureau to be able to retrieve their portfolio reports. The request must include (1) Mortgagee information: the mortgagee company name, HUD mortgagee ID number, mortgagee contact name with telephone number and e-mail address and (2) service bureau information: company name, mailing address, contact name with telephone number and e-mail address. The portfolio file will be available via "Direct Connect" at a later date for those mortgagees or service bureaus which make arrangements with HUD. The current method of obtaining your portfolio report will be continued to allow time for transition to the new method. Additionally, portfolio report by "holding mortgagee" will not be available via internet in the first version of the program scheduled for release in July 1997. Notice will be provided prior to eliminating the current process. Please see attachment that explains procedures for accessing portfolio information via FHA Connection for mortgagees and service bureaus. Sincerely yours, Nicolas P. Retsinas Assistant Secretary for Housing- Federal Housing Commissioner Attachment Accessing FHA Connection/Portfolio Information for Mortgagees/Service Bureaus Prerequisites: 1. Subscription to an Internet service provider (e.g., CompuServe; Erol's) for access to the World Wide Web. 2. Internet browser software for viewing information on the Internet (Netscape Navigator 2.02 or higher, or Microsoft Internet Explorer version 3). 3. FHA-assigned User ID. Registration is provided through the Internet at https://entp.hud.gov/clas/. 4. Compatible unzip software to uncompress Portfolio files (e.g., InfoZIP UnZip 5.20 or later, PKWARE PKUNZIP 2.04g or later, and WinZIP 6.2 or later). Some of these products are available free on the Internet (http://www.cdrom.com/pub/infozip/UnZip.html). Procedure for Accessing FHA Connection/Monthly Premiums 1. Start the Internet browser. 2. Enter the Internet location: https://entp.hud.gov/clas/. 3. Select Sign On to log on to the FHA Connection (continue to next step). -or- Select About this Site & Registration to get information about the FHA Connection and/or register for a User ID. 4. Enter FHA Connection User Name (ID) and Password in the pop-up window provided. -- Data entry is case-sensitive. 5. Select Monthly Premiums in the Single Family FHA screen. Procedure for Requesting a Portfolio File 1. Select Portfolio from the list in the Monthly Premiums screen. 2. Enter any information needed for requesting the file. 3. Select the Send button to send the file request to HUD. You will be informed of approximately how long it will take to generate the file. -- You will be informed of approximately how long it will take to generate the file. 4. When the time arrives for the file to be ready, select the Retrieve Files button in either the Monthly Premiums screen or the Succeessful Portfolio Request screen. -- When a file is requested for a single case, the results are immediately displayed on the screen. 5. Follow the instructions in the Retrieve Files screen to view or download a Portfolio file. Getting Help Call FHA Connection Helpline (202) 708-0764 View Monthly Premiums Online Help screens Send e-mail to SF Administration (through Monthly Premiums screens) Call HUD Lender Representative (non-technical questions)