www.hudclips.org U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Washington, D.C. 20410-8000 May 16, 1997 OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR HOUSING-FEDERAL HOUSING COMMISSIONER MORTGAGEE LETTER 97-21 MEMORANDUM FOR: ALL APPROVED MORTGAGEES ATTENTION: SERVICING MANAGERS (SINGLE FAMILY) SUBJECT: Loss Mitigation Performance Scores As referenced in Mortgagee Letter 96-61 , FHA is announcing its first scores for lender or servicer (herein described as lender) performance related to loss mitigation. A lender's performance, as referenced by these scores, will directly affect loss mitigation incentive payments, certain claim reimbursements, and delegated program authorities. FHA seeks to accomplish the following objectives in its loss mitigation program: Maximize the opportunity for borrowers to retain home ownership and cure delinquencies on their mortgages. Mitigate losses resulting from foreclosure by using alternatives to foreclosure. Minimize paperwork and empower lenders to work directly with homeowners to determine the most appropriate loss mitigation tool. Provide lenders with performance-based incentives. Performance measurements enable FHA to define its assessment of any servicing mortgagee's relative success in helping to achieve these program objectives. FHA has received a great deal of input from the mortgage industry in developing a scoring methodology. We view this as an evolving process, and one which will increase in practical impact as lenders become familiar with it. FHA's approach in determining 1996 scores is as follows: The FHA's lender performance score for 1996 measures two components of a lender's loss mitigation performance. It measures a lender's success in holding down its default rate (25 percent of overall score), and its actual compared to its potential costs to FHA (75 percent of overall score) relative to other lenders in a State. For a lender's performance to be scored within a State, the lender must have serviced at least 100 mortgages, reported at least one default, and received at least one dollar of claim payment in the year. A lender's national score is the weighted average of its State scores. A lower score indicates better performance. Bonus points are subtracted from a lender's national score if its portfolio contains one or more of the following: above median proportions of first-time homebuyers, minority borrowers or borrowers in underserved areas. Lenders were grouped and scored by their total number of FHA-insured mortgages. Those lenders servicing 5,000 or more loans are considered high-volume lenders and are included in the first group. Lenders servicing between 1,000 and 5,000 mortgages are considered medium-volume and are included in the second group. Lenders servicing less than 1,000 mortgages are con- sidered low-volume lenders and are included in the third group. Lenders scoring within the top 25 percentile of each group are eligible for the increased loss mitigation incentives. How The Performance Scores Will Be Used Effective September 1, 1997, lenders with 1996 scores ranked in the top 25 percentile of each of the three groups, high, medium and low-volume, will receive the following benefits: 1. An additional $100 payment for each Special Forbearance Agreement executed on or after September 1, 1997. 2. Pre-foreclosure sale time-frames may be extended an additional two months without prior HUD approval. 3. For loans originated on or after September 1, 1997, lenders will be able to claim reimbursement of 75 percent for foreclosure costs (an increase from the current allowance of 66 percent). For loans originated prior to September 1, 1997, all lenders will continue to be reimbursed two thirds of the foreclosure costs. The department intends to score performance on an annual basis. Eligibility for these benefits will continue until the publication of new performance scores. In addition, FHA will use these scores in selecting lenders for Quality Assurance reviews. While FHA recognizes that these scores do not define all aspects related to loss mitigation performance, we are confident that they do help to identify opportunities for improvement in lender performance. The attached compilation of the lender performance scores are based on input from the lending and servicing industry. If there are any questions or comments regarding the scoring process please send them via the Internet to: joe_mccloskey@hud.gov. Sincerely yours, Nicolas P. Retsinas Assistant Secretary for Housing- Federal Housing Commissioner Attachment: Loss Mitigation Performance Analysis Click Here to Download ATTACHMENT File