www.hudclips.org U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Washington, D.C. 20410-8000 November 21, 1996 OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR HOUSING-FEDERAL HOUSING COMMISSIONER Mortgagee Letter 96-64 TO: ALL LENDERS AND MORTGAGEES SUBJECT: Recent Changes in Lender Approval for Title I and Title II As part of HUD's ongoing effort to streamline processing, eliminate duplication and provide better customer service, the Department is pleased to announce the following changes pertaining to the approval of lenders to participate in the FHA Title I or Title II programs. Joint Submission of Financial Statements for FHA and Ginnie Mae Those nonsupervised mortgagees approved by both the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) and the Government National Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae) need no longer submit annual financial statements to both FHA and Ginnie Mae separately. Effective immediately, FHA Title II mortgagees and Ginnie Mae issuers approved by both FHA and Ginnie Mae need to submit their annual audited financial statements only to Ginnie Mae. The mortgagee must indicate its Ginnie Mae and FHA ID numbers on the audit. Two copies of the audit must be submitted to: Ginnie Mae Special Projects Group c/o Coopers and Lybrand 1751 Pinnacle Drive McLean, VA 22102 The audit must continue to comply with FHA and Ginnie Mae requirements as noted in HUD Handbook 2000.4, Mortgagee Letter 95-6 and GNMA Handbooks 5500.1 and 5500.2 (where applicable). Do not submit a copy of the audit to FHA's Lender Approval and Recertification Division. There has been no change regarding the amount of the annual FHA recertification fee or where it is to be sent. Mortgagees that are not also Ginnie Mae issuers must continue to submit annual financial statements to the Lender Approval and Recertification Division. Joint FHA/Ginnie Mae Approval Form The Department has designed a new joint application form for use by institutions wishing to become approved to participate in the FHA Title I or Title II programs or to become approved as a Ginnie Mae issuer. It is not our intention that institutions must become Ginnie Mae issuers in order to participate in the FHA programs. Our intention is to reduce the number of forms lenders must submit to become approved. By incorporating the various program requirements into one form, we eliminated six separate forms. To apply for approval, a lender or mortgagee must submit the form, the Supplement to Application (HUD-92001 LD for Title I applicants and 92001 D for Title II applicants) and the supporting documentation. A copy of the new form is attached to this letter. The form is also available on the HUD Homepage on the worldwide web (http://www.hud.gov). To find the form, go to the Library section of the Homepage and click on HUD Forms Warehouse. The Homepage contains instructions on how to download the form. To order any quantity of forms, lenders may call 1-800-767-7468. Contacting the Lender Approval and Recertification Division by Electronic Mail To be more accessible to the public, the Lender Approval and Recertification Division has created an electronic mailbox. Lenders and other members of the public may contact the Division by addressing electronic mail (email) messages to: HSG-Lender_Approval@HUD.GOV Our intention is for this to be an alternative to the telephone for routine inquiries, or routine inquiries requiring a written response. New Address for the Lender Approval and Recertification Division The Lender Approval and Recertification Division, and the Office of Lender Activities and Program Compliance have moved. All regular mail should be sent to the following address: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Lender Activities and Program Compliance 451 7th Street SW Room B133 - P3214 Washington, D.C. 20410 Overnight mail and other special deliveries should be directed to: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Lender Activities and Program Compliance 490 L'Enfant Plaza East, SW Suite 3214 Washington, D.C. 20024 If you have any questions or comments, please contact the Lender Approval and Recertification Division on (202)708-3976 or send an email. Sincerely yours, Nicolas P. Retsinas Assistant Secretary for Housing- Federal Housing Commissioner