www.hudclips.org U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Washington, D.C. 20410-8000 December 21, 1994 OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR HOUSING-FEDERAL HOUSING COMMISSIONER Mortgagee Letter 94-59 TO: All Approved Mortgagees SUBJECT: Mortgagee Review Board - Referral of Lenders for violations of Fair Lending Laws The Department's Mortgagee Review Board is authorized to take administrative action and impose civil money penalties against HUD-FHA approved mortgagees that violate Federal fair housing laws. The purpose of this Mortgagee Letter is to remind mortgagees that the Board will not tolerate discrimination in lending practices, and to further inform mortgagees of the Board's procedures. Administrative Sanctions and Civil Money Penalties The Board is authorized by statute, 12 USC Section 1708(c), and under its regulations, 24 CFR Part 25, to issue a letter of reprimand, place a mortgagee on probation, and suspend or withdraw HUD-FHA approval of any mortgagee found to be engaging in activities that violate the non-discrimination requirements of the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA), the Fair Housing Act, Executive Order 11063, or any HUD-FHA fair lending related requirement. The Board is also authorized to impose a civil money penalty of up to $5,000 per violation against a mortgagee that knowingly and materially fails to comply with the provisions of the Fair Housing Act or HUD-FHA fair lending related requirements. The Board may also at any time enter into a Settlement Agreement with a mortgagee to resolve any outstanding grounds for an action. A Mortgagee Review Board settlement does not, however, constitute a Title VIII settlement/conciliation. 2 Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity HUD's Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (FHEO) enforces the Fair Housing Act and other civil rights laws. Violations are subject to injunctive or other appropriate relief, actual damages, and civil penalties. Additionally, FHEO may refer a HUD-FHA approved mortgagee to the Board for administrative action. FHEO and the Board are committed to expanding access to HUD housing programs and are actively undertaking proactive steps to identify lending discrimination and bring strong enforcement action against mortgagees that violate fair lending laws. FHEO Referrals to Mortgagee Review Board As part of its mission to aggressively pursue fair lending requirements and discriminatory lending practices, FHEO will actively make referrals of mortgagees, where appropriate, to the Board for administrative sanctions and civil money penalties. Mortgagees are advised that if FHEO makes a determination that there is reasonable cause to believe that a mortgagee has engaged in discriminatory lending practices and a Charge is issued against that mortgagee, the determination and Charge will be referred to the Board for administrative sanctions. In addition, FHEO may inform the Board of any finding of discrimination under ECOA or the Fair Housing Act in a private lawsuit using the same procedures. The Board may take action against the mortgagee independent of any other enforcement activities pursued by FHEO. In addition, FHEO may take action independent of any settlement or administrative sanctions pursued by the Board. Mortgagees are also reminded that failure to cooperate with any FHEO investigation is in itself a cause for an administrative action by the Board under 24 CFR Section 25.9(q). FHEO intends to refer information relating to mortgagees' failure to cooperate with investigations, even if it has not made a determination that the Fair Housing Act has been violated. Board Procedures The Department's regulations governing the Board's activities including civil money penalties, provide that when the Board considers a mortgagee for administrative sanctions and/or civil money penalties, it shall notify the mortgagee in writing of the specific violations that have been alleged, 24 CFR Section 25.6, and 24 CFR 30.100, and provide the mortgagee with the opportunity to submit a written response within 30 days of its receipt of the notice. Failure to respond will result in the matter being considered by the Board without any further notice. 3 When the Board takes an administrative action against a mortgagee, it notifies the mortgagee in writing of the Board's determination. In those cases where the Board places a mortgagee on probation, or suspends or withdraws the mortgagee's HUD-FHA approval, the mortgagee may request a hearing before a Departmental Hearing Officer and the hearing will be held within 30 days of the request. A mortgagee may also request a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge within 15 days from the issuance of the Government's Complaint, where the Board decides to impose a civil money penalty. FHA approved mortgagees are important partners in the Department's programs. I ask you to use diligence to ensure that you are conducting your lending activities in full compliance with the fair housing laws. Sincerely yours, Nicolas P. Retsinas Assistant Secretary for Housing- Federal Housing Commissioner