www.hudclips.org U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Washington, D.C. 20410-8000 August 23, 1991 OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR HOUSING-FEDERAL HOUSING COMMISSIONER MORTGAGEE LETTER 91-40 TO: ALL APPROVED MORTGAGEES ATTENTION: SINGLE FAMILY SERVICING MANAGERS SUBJECT: Prepayment Disclosure Statements These are revised instructions for the Prepayment Disclosure Statements discussed in Mortgagee Letter (ML) 91-32, dated July 24, 1991. Based on a further review, we have concluded that the disclosure statements as set out in ML 91-32 could be misinterpreted. The disclosure statements attached to ML 91-32 indicated that the prepayment must be received on or before the installment due date (the first day of the month). This statement implies that the mortgagor could avoid paying interest to the end of the month if the prepayment is received prior to that date (for example, on the 15th of the month). This, of course, is not correct. Therefore, this mortgagee letter provides the new statements to be used. Since many mortgagees have already developed or purchased the disclosure statements as provided in ML 91-32, mortgagees may use any existing supply of the forms by deleting the words "or before" in the last sentence of the second paragraph of the Notice at Loan Closing and in the "inserted" third paragraphs of the Annual Disclosure Notice. When your existing stock is depleted, use the new forms. Finally, since we have had a number of requests, we have decided to allow mortgagees to combine the lender options of the Notice at Loan Closing onto one form and the inserts and lender options contained in the Annual Disclosure Notice onto one form in a checklist arrangement. If lenders choose to use such combined forms, they must be certain to check the appropriate boxes to avoid any confusion on the part of the mortgagor. _____________________________________________________________________ 2 We expect to publish these new disclosure statements in a notice in the Federal Register in the near future. Any questions regarding this matter should be directed to the local HUD Office Single Family Loan Management Branch. Very sincerely yours, Arthur J. Hill Assistant Secretary for Housing-Federal Housing Commissioner Attachments _____________________________________________________________________ Attachment 1 DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Notice to Mortgagor at Loan Closing Regarding Prepayment Mortgagor: _________________________ Date: _________________ Address: ___________________________ Loan#: ________________ ___________________________ FHA#: _________________ This notice is to advise you of the requirements that must be followed to accomplish a prepayment of your mortgage, and to prevent accrual of any interest after the date of prepayment. You may prepay any or all of the outstanding indebtedness due under your mortgage at any time, without penalty. However, to avoid the accrual of interest on any prepayment after the date of the prepayment, the prepayment must be received on the installment due date (the first day of the month). Instructions: Lender may use either of these options in its notice. (1) Otherwise, your payment will be refused until the next installment due date and interest will be charged to that date. (2) Otherwise, you may be required to pay interest on the amount prepaid through the end of the month. __________________________ Mortgagee _____________________________________________________________________ Attachment 2 DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Annual Disclosure Notice to Mortgagor Mortgagor: ________________________ Date: __________________ Address: __________________________ Loan#: _________________ __________________________ FHA#: __________________ This notice is to advise you of requirements that must be followed to accomplish a prepayment of your mortgage, and to advise you of requirements you must fulfill upon prepayment to prevent accrual of any interest after the date of prepayment. The amount listed below is the amount outstanding for prepayment of the indebtedness due under your mortgage. This amount is good through ___(date)___. (Any mortgage payments received or advances made by us before the stated expiration date will change the prepayment amount.) $_________ (amount) For A Mortgage Insured Before August 2, 1985, Insert: You may prepay your mortgage at any time without penalty. However, you are required to provide a written 30-day advance notice of prepayment. In order to avoid the accrual of interest on any prepayment after the date of the prepayment, the prepayment must be received on the installment due date (the first day of the month). For A Mortgage Insured On or After August 2, 1985, Insert: You may prepay your mortgage at any time without penalty. However, in order to avoid the accrual of interest on any prepayment after the date of the prepayment, the prepayment must be received on the installment due date (the first day of the month). Instructions: Lender may use either of these options in its notice. (1) Otherwise, your prepayment will be refused until the next installment due date and interest will be charged to that date. _____________________________________________________________________ 2 (2) Otherwise, you may be required to pay interest on the amount prepaid through the end of the month. If you have any questions regarding this notice, please contact (name and/or department) at (telephone number). ________________________ Mortgagee