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What are the tabs in SEMAP used for?

The tabs identify the various action steps in the SEMAP business process. The major tabs available to HA users are: Assessment Profile, Reports, and Submission. The major tabs available to HUD users are: Assessment Profile and Reports.

When do I need to do my SEMAP certification?

The SEMAP certification must be submitted electronically within the 60 days after your Fiscal Year End (FYE).

Fiscal Year End (FYE) SEMAP Due Date (60 days later)
March 31 May 30
June 30 August 29
September 30 November 29
December 31 March 1 (February 29 if Leap Year)

Can I submit a paper SEMAP certification?

No. Generally speaking, the certification must be submitted electronically in IMS/PIC. Exceptions must be approved by HUD headquarters in advance and are rarely granted. One exception covers MTW agencies, which must submit a paper certification for their MTW inventory.

What if I try to submit and there is no "Submit" button?

This means that you do not have the proper rights in IMS/PIC to submit the certification; the certification has not been completed; the due date has passed and the certification period has ended; or else it has already been submitted. Contact your agency security coordinator to revise your rights to include submission in SEMAP. Review each indicator and sub-section to ensure that you either made all entries or marked them "Not applicable."

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Question 14 doesn’t apply to us; can I skip it?

If it does not apply, you must mark it "Not applicable" in both sections 14.a. and 14.b.

What if the 60-day due date falls on a Sunday or a holiday?

There are no changes for Sundays and holidays. IMS/PIC is generally operational 7 days per week, 24 hours per day, except when taken down for scheduled or emergency maintenance, which will be announced. In addition, IMS/PIC is designed so it can be accessed from any personal computer with an up-to-date web browser and Internet access from anywhere in the world. The submission need not be done from the PHA office.

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What if I miss the 60-day due date because of PC or network problems?

HUD headquarters will make exceptions where failure to report was beyond the control of the PHA, but each decision must be justified on its own merits. Generally speaking, if a PHA waits until the last minute and discovers a problem, HUD is unlikely to grant an exception. However, if there has been a pattern of attempting to submit the certification, including calls to the REAC TAC help line before the last day, HUD is more likely to grant an exception. If the HUD SEMAP Office authorizes an exception, IMS/PIC will open the submission window for that PHA for a brief period (2-3 business days).

What does it mean when my SEMAP says we are "Troubled"?

It means that your PHA has received an assessment score below 60 percent. SEMAP "Troubled" status carries special action and reporting requirements and may not be removed without a confirmatory review by the field office.The PHA will remain in "Troubled" status until completion of a confirmatory review conducted by the field office even if its score the following year is greater than 60 percent.

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