Logging In FAQs - IMS/PIC

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    How do I log in to HUD Secure Systems?

    You must have a valid WASS User ID and password to log in to HUD Secure Systems.

    There are two log on screens: one for HA users and one for HUD users:

    You can also access these links from the IMS/PIC homepage.

    Where do I logon to IMS/PIC?

    • After a user has logged onto HUD Secure Systems (see above), the user should select the link for IMS/PIC from the list of applications.

    How do I get a WASS ID and password for IMS/PIC?

    HA users should go to the Secure Systems web page and follow the instructions to request the proper type of WASS ID. Generally, a regular User ID or a System Coordinator ID is the proper type of ID to request.

    Regular User IDs are sent electronically. After the user completes and submits the information form, the information will be verified and a user ID will be assigned. The User ID will be sent electronically to the System Coordinator of the PHA.

    The process takes longer for a System Coordinator ID. After the user completes and submits the information form, the information will be verified and a user ID will be assigned. The User ID will be sent via surface mail to the Executive Director of the PHA.

    HUD users should request a WASS ID through the CHAMP system.

    Do I need a separate WASS ID for IMS/PIC?

    No. You do not need a separate User ID for IMS/PIC. If you have a valid WASS User ID, your coordinator needs to configure it to add access to IMS/PIC.

    Can I temporarily use someone else's User ID & password?

    It is a violation of both Federal security rules and common sense to share a User ID and Password. Actions in the system are identified with the User ID used to make the change. If someone else uses your identity to perform illegal or improper actions in any HUD computer system, you will be held responsible for those actions.

    What if I forgot my password?

    If you are an HA user and forgot your password, click the "Forgot your password?" link at the bottom of the user login page. You will be directed to the REAC Online Systems page. In the System Login box on the right, click the Password Reset link. Enter the requested information and click the "Reset Password" button. Your new password will be sent to your current email address in Secure Systems. Alternatively, you may call the REAC Technical Assistance Center (TAC) at 1-888-245-4860.

    If you are a HUD user, your password is the same password you use to login to your computer and other secure systems. If you forgot this password, you will need to contact the HITS National Help Desk at 1-202-708-3300 or 1-888-297-8689.

    What if I forgot my WASS User ID?

    If you are an HA user and you forgot your User ID, contact your security administrator or PIC Coach.

    If you are a HUD user, your User ID is your H number.

    What if I log in and it says, "Invalid user credentials"?

    It is possible that your credentials have expired or were not set up or that you mistyped either your User ID or your password. First, check the "CapsLock" key on your keyboard and make sure it is "off". Second, make sure you type any letters in your User ID in upper case. Finally, remember that passwords are case sensitive. This means that for your password, CAPITALIZED and lower case letters make a difference. If none of these things helps, request a password reset (see FAQ for "What if I forgot my password?")

    What if I log in and it says, "User Access Expired"?

    It means you have not used your User ID in a long time and, for security reasons, it has been disabled. Check with your WASS Security Coordinator to get it re-activated.

    What if it says, "Your password expires in 3.3 days"?

    This means your password will cease to work in 3.3 days (3 days and about 7 hours), so you should change it before then.

    How do I change my password?

    If you are an HA user and want to change your password, log in to Secure Systems (WASS). On the Main Menu screen under "System Administration," click the "Password Change" link. Follow the screen prompts to complete the process. When completed, the system will tell you that your password has been changed.

    If you are a HUD user and want to change your password, you must change your network password in Windows.

    What does "case sensitive" mean?

    Case refers to UPPERCASE (capitalized) and lowercase (un-capitalized) letters; many User IDs and Passwords are case sensitive, meaning they must always be entered with the same capitalization pattern that was used to set them up.

    What is a "strong" password?

    A strong password uses both uppercase and lowercase characters plus at least one numeral and at least one special character to form a non-word (a word not found in any dictionary in any language). An example of a strong password would be: 4sa?LBjx. Any password that uses your name, your initials, your date of birth or those of your family are "weak" passwords and should not be used.

    What are "special characters" in a password?

    These are the punctuation characters on your keyboard such as " ! @ # \ < > / $ % ^ & * ) . , ( _ + ".

    Why should I have a strong password?

    You are required and expected to protect the integrity and security of the data to which you have access. Many data elements in IMS/PIC are protected under the Privacy Act of 1975, which provides serious civil financial penalties in federal court for unauthorized disclosure of privacy data for any reason.

    What are "coordinators"?

    A WASS Coordinator at your agency has the ability to activate and configure your WASS (Secure Systems) User ID so it can access any PIH system needed.

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