Internet Browser Issues and System Requirements FAQs - IMS/PIC


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What browser can I use?

Most newer browsers with 128-bit encryption will work with IMS/PIC. Users have reported success using current versions of Firefox, Mozilla, Netscape and Opera. HUD affirms that IMS/PIC will work with Microsoft Internet Explorer, the free browser that comes as a part of MS Windows™.

What are the settings I need to make in my browser?

The browser settings required for you to work properly with IMS/PIC are as follows:

  1. Cookies must be turned on.
  2. Caching must be turned off (get a fresh copy of each page each time).
  3. Your browser must use 128-bit encryption (SSL).
  4. Security should be set initially to "medium" or "default" (experiment with higher settings later).
  5. Turn off "Autocomplete" for passwords.
  6. You must disable pop-up blocking for the PIC web site in order to see IMS/PIC reports.
  7. You must keep the security updates for your browser up to date.

How can I tell if my browser uses 128-bit encryption?

If you are using one of the following, you have 128-bit encryption available.

  1. Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or later
  2. Netscape 8.0 or later
  3. Firefox 2.0 or later
  4. Opera 9.0 or later

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What if it says, “Page cannot be found”?

If this happens while using IMS/PIC, it means that something went wrong and it could not find the proper page. If this happens, try returning to the previous step using either the menu choices or the "Back" button of your browser. Then attempt to do the same thing again. If you get the same error a second time, please report it to the TAC by email and include a screen print of the error message or the exact text of the error message.

How do I make a screen print of an error message?

There are two ways to make the screen print and there are two ways to send it to the TAC. Create the screen print by pressing the key labeled < PrtSc >, which will print the complete screen including open dialogue boxes to memory, or < Alt >< PrtSc >, which prints only the last opened window to memory. You can then either paste the screen print from memory into the body of an email (if your email permits it) or you can paste it into an MS Word document and attach the document to an email.

Why don't my reports appear?

All IMS/PIC reports are run as "pop-ups". If you have pop-up windows blocked by a pop-up blocker, the reports cannot appear. To turn off your pop-up blocker when requesting a report, hold down < Ctrl >the key while requesting the report or access the pop-up blocker configuration to allow all pop-ups from "".

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Is it okay to use pop-up blocking software?

Pop-up blocking software will block IMS/PIC reports unless you configure the blocker to permit pop-ups from "".

Why don't my reports download?

Your pop-up blocker may be blocking IMS/PIC reports, which are created as pop-ups. If you can see the reports but they won't download, your IT department may have restricted your rights to download data for system security reasons.

What problem-solving steps should users follow?

If you have trouble accessing PIH systems, first answer the following questions:

  1. Can you access the public Internet? (Try If yes,
  2. Can you access HUD public pages? (Try If yes,
  3. Can you reach the WASS logon screen?
    1. HA users use:
    2. HUD users use:
  4. If you reach the WASS logon screen, can you reach the WASS menu? Can you see the PIC menu choice?
  5. If yes, what happens when you click the PIC menu choice? If you get a "Page cannot be displayed" error, your coordinator has not set up your rights in IMS/PIC yet or else IMS/PIC is having a problem.

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