Form 50058 Viewer FAQs - IMS/PIC


    Browse Questions and Answers

    How can I find a head of household?

    There is an HA Query Report in the Ad Hoc module that will search all 50058 and MTW heads of household for a SSN/Alt ID match and will display the HA Code, Action Type and Effective Date for the HOH.

    How can I find a household member?

    There is no way to search directly for a household member. If a member of one of your households is also in the system somewhere else, the Possible Dup Tenant Report in Tenant ID Management will display both instances of the individual. Alternatively, you can request help from your PIC Coach to find the individual.

    How can I find a tenant at another PHA?

    If the individual is a Head of Household (HOH), you can use the HA Query Report to search through for the SSNs/Alt IDs of all 50058 and MTW heads of household for a match and display the HA Code, Action Type and Effective Date for the HOH.

    How can I show all my forms for a time period?

    The HA Transaction Report in the Viewer sub-module will generate a report from current records for any specified effective date range or update date range.

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    How can I print a Form 50058 for a family?

    In the Search tab in the Viewer sub-module, enter the SSN, First Name, and/or Last Name of the Head of Household and then click the "Search" button. In the search response, click the "View" link in the right hand column of the table row related to the tenant. This will display a facsimile of the Form 50058 for that family, which you can then print.

    What is an on-line EOP?

    "EOP" refers to End of Participation, which is the action taken when a tenant moves out. Normally, an EOP is created in the agency software and uploaded to IMS/PIC. If this was not or cannot be done for some reason, IMS/PIC offers an option in the Viewer Search results for authorized users to generate an EOP from within IMS/PIC.

    How do I do an on-line EOP?

    If you have the proper access, when searching in the Viewer, the Search Results screen will display a column (second from right) for all active tenants called "Online EOP". Click the link there and a window will pop open displaying the tenant and the last action and effective date for the tenant. This window will permit you to change the effective date to the online EOP date. It must be at least one day later than the date in the window. Click "Save" to implement the EOP or click "Close" to back out without taking action.

    What’s the difference between “History” and “Current” in searches?

    The "current record" is the latest record received for a tenant. All other previous records have been moved to "history." Choose "Current" to search the current records and choose "History" to search all other older records.

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    What’s the difference between “Effective Date” and “Update Date”?

    Effective date is field 2b of the Form 50058, the official date the action takes effect. The update date is the date the submission was received by IMS-PIC via an upload.

    Does the Transaction Report pull from history?

    No, the Transaction Report pulls data from current records.

    How can I tell “J R Jones” and “J R Jones” apart in Viewer and Reports?

    Certain users at each agency, who have a valid business need to see the full SSNs, birth dates and names, may be assigned "Special System Privileges" in Security Administration by the HA Security Administrator. This removes all data blocking of names, birth dates, and SSNs in all screens for these individual users. Those users with special system privileges are subject to the full weight of the Privacy Act of 1974. The default value is No Special System Privileges for all users.

    Where do I find the list of household members?

    It is found in two places: If you search in Viewer and find the household, click the HOH SSN then click the Members tab. It will list all of the household members. In the Viewer Search results, you also can click "View" to see a facsimile of the Form 50058 for the whole household. Scroll down to section 3 to view the members. This facsimile can be printed.

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    Where do I find the unit address?

    In Public Housing, the unit physical address comes from the Development sub-module. In Vouchers, the unit physical address is in field 5a of Form 50058. In either case, the address is displayed in Viewer in the 'Unit to be Occupied' sub-tab under the Household tab.

    Where do I find the incomes?

    In the Viewer, once your Search has found the tenant name, click on the SSN. There are multiple views of the same household's data. Click the Members tab and the Income subtab to display the income for each household member.

    Where do I find the TTP?

    In the Viewer, once your Search has found the tenant name, click on the SSN. There are multiple views of the same household's data. Click the Rent tab and the TTP sub-tab to display the TTP calculation.

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    What are “Overlapping Dates”?

    Overlapping dates are IMS/PIC shorthand for the situation where Tenant X is listed in IMS/PIC at HA Number 1 and HA Number 2 submits a move-in (action 1 or 4) for Tenant X. For all move-ins of this type, unless the move is from Voucher to Voucher, it will be an End of Participation (EOP - 6) and New Admission (1). For Voucher to Voucher, it will be a Port Out (5) and Port In (4). In these situations, if HA Number 1 does not submit the move-out form (action 6 or 5 as appropriate), then IMS/PIC will automatically generate the appropriate move-out for Tenant X at HA Number 1 on the first day of the next month, retroactive to the day before the move-in date.

    What is an “automatic EOP”?

    When an "overlapping date" situation occurs, IMS/PIC will generate an automatic End of Participation (EOP) in response to:

    1. A New Admission of the same Head of Household at the same agency in a different program or
    2. A New Admission at a different agency in any program except Voucher to Voucher.

    What is an “automatic Port Out”?

    When an "overlapping date" situation occurs, IMS/PIC will generate an automatic Port Out in response to a Port In of a Voucher household from a different agency.

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    If my tenant is in an overlapping date situation, can I submit an EOP or Port Out?

    Until the first day of the following month, you may submit your own move-out. If it is not done by the first day of the following month, then IMS/PIC will do it automatically (unless the household is flagged for an identity validation question, which will cause a fatal error until the ID validity flag is cleared).

    How do I use the Overlapping Dates Report?

    The Overlapping Date Report tells you the status of your agency concerning automatic move-outs occurring at your agency or caused by your agency. Users can specify the effective date range for the report (the default is the preceding 12 months ending today). The report has three tabs.

    1. Automatic EOPs / Ports Out Pending: Automatic move-outs from your agency that will be generated on the first day of the next month.
    2. New Admissions / Ports Ins Causing Overlapping Dates: Move-ins to your agency that will generate automatic move-outs at other agencies.
    3. Automatic EOPs / Ports Out Processed: Automatic move-outs from your agency that have already happened.

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    How do I use the Portability Billing Report?

    The Portability Billing Report is intended to help you manage and track your ports in and out. It has two tabs: PHA Billing Report (Ports In) and PHA Billed Report (Ports Out). Users can specify the effective date range for the report (the default is the preceding 12 months ending today). Users can use the report to reconcile port out invoices and port in invoices and identify opportunities for absorption of unused vouchers.

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