PIH’s Smoke-Free Public Housing Rule was finalized on December 5, 2016, and became effective February 3, 2017. All PHAs must comply with the rule and would have implemented smoke-free policies within 18 months of the effective date, no later than July 31, 2018. The elimination of second-hand smoke that can migrate between public housing units can be an important step towards improving the health of residents as well as reducing maintenance costs for PHAs.
PIH is working to provide additional smoke-free resources. If you have specific questions related to smoke-free public housing, please send an email to publichousingpolicyquestions@hud.gov. If you reside in a HUD-assisted property through the Office of Housing (specifically the Office of Multifamily Housing), contact your nearest Multifamily Regional Center or Satellite Office. The email address and phone number can be located within their website by searching for the region or location closest to the property you're inquiring about.
Implementing Smoke-Free Public Housing
Smoke-Free Policy Checklist
Recommended 18 Month Timeline
Information for Residents
Getting Ready to Go Smoke Free
Help Taking Action: Guidance For Your Work
CDC Support Service
Office on Smoking and Health
Your Building Is Smoke-Free...How About You?
Your Building Is Smoke-Free...How About You? (In Spanish)
- PIH Smoke-Free Team Ambassadors November 2019
- Implementing Smoke Free Public Housing Webinar
- HUD Final Rule
- PIH Notice 2017-03
- Office of Healthy Homes, Change Is In The Air Document
24 CFR §965.651 Applicability
This subpart applies to public housing units, except for dwelling units in a mixed-finance project. Public housing is defined as low-income housing, and all necessary appurtenances (e.g., community facilities, public housing offices, day care centers, and laundry rooms) thereto, assisted under the US Housing Act of 1937 (the 1937 Act), other than assistance under Section 8 of the 1937 Act.
§965.653 Smoke-free Public Housing
(a) In general. PHAs must design and implement a policy prohibiting the use of prohibited tobacco products in all public housing living units and interior areas (including but not limited to hallways, rental and administrative offices, community centers, day care centers, laundry centers, and similar structures), as well as in outdoor areas within 25 feet from public housing and administrative office buildings (collectively, “restricted areas”) in which public housing is located.
(b) Designated smoking areas. PHAs may limit smoking to designated smoking areas on the grounds of the public housing or administrative office buildings in order to accommodate residents who smoke. These areas must be outside of any restricted areas, as defined in paragraph (a) of this section, and may include partially enclosed structures. Alternatively, PHAs may choose to create additional smoke-free areas outside the restricted areas or to make their entire grounds smoke-free.
(c) Prohibited tobacco products. A PHA's smoke-free policy must, at a minimum, ban the use of all prohibited tobacco products. Prohibited tobacco products are defined as:
(1) Items that involve the ignition and burning of tobacco leaves, such as (but not limited to) cigarettes, cigars, and pipes.
(2) To the extent not covered by paragraph (c)(1) of this section, waterpipes (hookahs).
§965.655 Implementation
(a) Amendments. PHAs are required to implement the requirements of this subpart by amending each of the following:
(1) All applicable PHA plans, according to the provisions in 24 CFR part 903.
(2) Tenant leases, according to the provisions of 24 CFR 966.4.
(b) Deadline. All PHAs must be in full compliance, with effective policy amendments, by July 30, 2018
Vivienda Pública libre de humo de cigarrillo
La norma sobre Vivienda Pública libre de humo de cigarrillo fue finalizada el 5 de diciembre de 2016 y se hizo efectiva el 3 de febrero de 2017. Todas las agencias de vivienda pública deben cumplir con la norma e implementar políticas de vivienda libre de humo de cigarrillo dentro de los 18 meses siguientes a la fecha efectiva, a más tardar el 31 de julio de 2018. La eliminación del humo de cigarrillo de segunda mano que puede migrar entre de las unidades de vivienda pública puede ser un paso importante en la mejoría de la salud de los residentes a la vez que reduce costos de mantenimiento para las autoridades de vivienda pública.
La Oficina de Vivienda Pública ofrece recursos adicionales sobre la vivienda libre de humo de cigarrillo. Si tiene preguntas específicas relacionadas con vivienda pública libre de humo de cigarrillo, por favor envíe un correo electrónico a SmokeFreePublicHousing@hud.gov.
HUD’s Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes has developed and collected peer-tested resources including toolkits for property managers and residents, model lease addendums, example resident surveys, and connections to cessation support. For more information, visit their Multifamily Housing Resource Bank.
Questions? Email publichousingpolicyquestions@hud.gov for questions related to the Public Housing Program.
If you are inquiring about an Office of Multifamily Housing property, contact your nearest Multifamily Regional Center or Satellite Office.
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