Mainstream vouchers assist non-elderly persons with disabilities. Aside from serving a special population, Mainstream vouchers are administered using the same rules as other housing choice vouchers. Funding and financial reporting for Mainstream vouchers is separate from the regular tenant-based voucher program. Please see PIH Notice 2020-01 for more information.
The 2017, 2018, and 2019 Appropriations Acts provided funded for new Mainstream vouchers. Since 2018, HUD has awarded over $500 million in funding to public housing agencies (PHAs) to support 50,000 new Mainstream vouchers.
Please direct questions about Mainstream vouchers to
Mainstream Awards by PHA and Funding Opportunity (Updated 8/15/2023)
Recent Updates
- (NEW) Mainstream Mandatory and Discretionary Policies Webinar: Below are the slides and video recordings for the Mainstream webinar held on September 25, 2024.
- Webinar Slides
- Webinar Video Recording
- PIH Notice 2024-30
- New Mainstream FAQ (May 2023)
- EAF Mainstream FAQ
- PIH Notice 2022-19 extends and expands the opportunity for new vouchers and extraordinary administrative funding (June 16, 2022)
- The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) expand funding for housing-related services, opportunity for new PHAs to implement Money Follows the Person (March 21, 2022)
- New Voucher Management System (VMS) fields allow for more detailed reporting of Mainstream vouchers (March 25, 2022)
If you are an individual seeking housing assistance
Please reach out to your local HUD office and PHA to learn more about the housing resources and opportunities within your community. For further information on how to locate housing resources in your community, please click on the following link:
PIH Notices and Guidance
- NEW! PIH Notice 2022-07: Mainstream Vouchers – Non-Competitive Opportunity for Additional Vouchers Authorized by the CARES Act and Extraordinary Administrative Funding
- PIH Notice 2020-22: Mainstream Vouchers – Non-Competitive Opportunity for Additional Vouchers Authorized by the CARES Act, Temporary Waivers and Alternative Requirements, and Modified 2020 Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) Renewal Calculation (9/8/2020) – NEW!
- PIH Notice 2020-09: CARES Act Mainstream Funding for Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) Awarded Funding Allocations in the 2017 and 2019 Competitions (5/12/2020)
- PIH Notice 2020-01: Revised Policies and Procedures for the Mainstream Voucher Program (1/22/2020)
- Financial Reporting Guidance for Mainstream vouchers
FY 2019 Mainstream Voucher NOFA
- FY19 Awards Press Release
- FY19 Mainstream Voucher NOFA (FR-6300-N-43)
- FY19 Mainstream Voucher NOFA Q&A (updated 1/25/2021)
- FY19 Mainstream NOFA Webinar Slideshow
- Possible Data Sources for Statement of Need
FY19 Mainstream Voucher NOFA Webinar
FY 2017 Mainstream Voucher NOFA
- Applicant Summary (12/21/2018)
- NOFA Debriefing (12/21/2018)
- NOFA FAQs (6/19/2018)
- Mainstream Voucher NOFA Summary Presentation (4/18/2018)
- FY2017 Mainstream Voucher NOFA (4/18/2018)
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