The HCV Guidebook is being published as chapters are completed in order to provide our stakeholders with the most current information as soon as possible. The list of chapters below identifies those that have been published and those that are coming soon.
The purpose of the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) guidebook is to provide an easy-to-use, one-stop resource to assist public housing agencies (PHAs), families and other stakeholders in the administration of the tenant-based housing subsidy programs. The guidebook consolidates into one document the most up-to-date guidance and requirements outlined in multiple publications: regulatory requirements, PIH Notices, Federal Register Notices, and other forms of guidance issued by HUD.
One major improvement viewers will find in the new guidebook chapters is a footnote with a citation whenever the word “must” is used. In many policy areas, HUD allows PHAs the flexibility to make local policy decisions, so it is important to note when a policy must be adopted as required by HUD.
To ensure HUD continually provides the most up-to-date guidance on evolving program policies and procedures, the HCV Guidebook chapters will be living documents on HUD’s website. Individual chapters will be amended as policies are refined.
Chapter Titles
Eligibility Determination and Denial of Assistance, November 2019
Housing Search and Leasing, (Updated, November 2020)
Payment Standards, (Updated, November 2020)
Rent Reasonableness, (Updated, September 2020)
Calculating Rent & Housing Assistance Payments (HAP), November 2019
Utility Allowances, May 2020
Moves and Portability, May 2019
Reexaminations, July 2020
Special Housing Types, (Updated, November 2020)
Family Self-Sufficiency Guidebook and Online Training, February 2017
Fair Housing and Nondiscrimination Requirements, (Updated, January 2025)
Waiting List & Tenant Selection, Coming soon
HAP Contracts, April 2023
Terminations, Coming soon
Informal Hearings & Reviews, Coming soon
HUD-VASH, July 2021
- To provide a one-stop resource for PHAs, families and other stakeholders
- To serve as a forum for the most up to date guidance on program regulation, policy and procedures
- To identify areas where PHAs have discretion to set their own policies
To get the most current information out as soon as possible, we will be publishing guidebook chapters to this site as they are completed. In other words, this is not a completed guidebook and we have many more chapters to publish. If you are looking for information, potentially included in a specific chapter that has yet to be published, please do not hesitate to seek guidance from your local HUD field office, 24 CFR Part 982, PIH Notices or by viewing other pertinent HUD websites, such as:
For further information on local resources and how to locate your nearest HUD office and PHA, please click on the following link:
Some of the HUD-required forms such as the voucher form, request for tenancy approval, and other HCV related forms are included in the guidebook for PHA’s convenience. Program forms can also be found on HUD’s Client Information Policy Systems (HUDCLIPS) website at: