Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Data Dashboard

    The Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Data Dashboard (dashboard) shows budget and leasing trends, reserve balances, program admissions and attrition, per-unit cost and leasing potential for the program nationally and allows the user to drill down to the state and PHA-level.  The dashboard also provides a current snapshot of utilization for HUD’s special purpose voucher programs including the Mainstream, Family Unification (FUP) and Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH) programs.  The dashboard is typically updated monthly with the most current and relevant data.  However, it should be noted that much of HUD’s data is received from PHAs and is aggregated resulting in an approximately 2-month delay between the reporting period and the data’s availability.

    The HCV dashboard is accessible both internally to HUD employees and externally to the public. The public facing dashboard is embedded below and accessible via this link.

    The HCV Data Dashboard

    The date of the current dashboard data may be found on the dashboard pages.

    Leasing Potential FAQ

    The Leasing Potential FAQ provides an in-depth explanation of HUD’s leasing potential calculation.

    HCV Data Dashboard User Guide and Data Dictionary

    The HCV Data Dashboard User Guide and Data Dictionary (guide) provides an explanation of many of the terms, tables and charts available in the HCV Data Dashboard. Additionally, it explains how to access and utilize the dashboard. HUD strongly recommends reviewing this guide prior to contacting HUD with dashboard questions.

    Introduction to the HCV Data Dashboard – A Video Tutorial

    This tutorial provides a step-by-step guide for accessing the various components of the HCV Data Dashboard. This tutorial does not explain the HCV Program or HCV Program terms. If you are unfamiliar with the HCV Program and need basic background information – please visit About Housing Choice Voucher Program website.

    Recorded Webinar of HCV Dashboard Demonstration

    This recorded webinar provides an in-depth demonstration of how to use the HCV Dashboard for Public Housing Authorities, research organizations, and advocacy groups.

    If you have questions regarding the HCV Data dashboard please send an email to hcvdashboard@hud.gov.

    For additional data on the HCV program, please visit the Program Support Division webpage.