In January 2015, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) announced a demonstration program to offer a permanent home and supportive services to Native American Veterans who are experiencing or at risk of experiencing homelessness. The Tribal HUD-VA Supportive Housing program (Tribal HUD-VASH) will provide rental assistance and supportive services to Native American veterans who are Homeless or At Risk of Homelessness living on or near a reservation or other Indian areas. In its initial funding round, HUD is making available $5.2 million in grant funding to Indian tribes and tribally designated housing entities (TDHEs) to fund this rental assistance and associated administrative fees. Indian tribes and TDHEs participating in this program must partner with the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to provide case management and supportive services to eligible Native American veterans.
Learn how the Tribal Housing and Urban Development-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) program helps homeless Native American Veterans exit homelessness. Tribal HUD-VASH combines rental assistance from HUD with case management, clinical and supportive services provides by VA specifically for Native American Veterans who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Video produced by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Click Here to watch.
Tribal HUD-VASH Program Historical Resources
Select a Topic
Tribal HUD-VASH Demonstration Program
- Federal Register Notice (2015 Awards)
- Invitee List
- Press Release
- Expanding the Tribal HUD-VASH Program (June 3, 2019)
Dear Tribal Leader Letters
- Tribal HUD-VASH Expansion Program NOFO (November 2, 2021)
- Dear Tribal Leader- NOFO Training
- Program Expansion NOFO (January 15, 2021)
- Expanding the Tribal HUD-VASH Program (June 3, 2019)
- THUD-VASH Implementation (October 23, 2015)
PIH Notices
- PIH 2024-13: FY24 Tribal HUD-VASH Renewal Notice
- PIH 2023-11: FY23 Tribal HUD-VASH Renewal Notice
- PIH 2023-02: Closeout Instructions for the Tribal Housing and Urban DevelopmentVeterans Affairs Supportive Housing (Tribal HUD-VASH) Grant Program
- PIH 2022-08: FY22 Tribal HUD-VASH Renewal Notice
- PIH 2021-09: FY21 Tribal HUD-VASH Renewal Notice
- FY2020 Tribal HUD-VASH Renewal Awards
- PIH 2020-10: Tribal HUD-VASH Renewal Grant Applications
- PIH 2019-18: Tribal HUD-VASH Renewal Notice
- PIH 2018-10: Procedural Guidance for Tribal HUD-VA Supportive Housing Renewal Grant Applications (dated 6/11/2018)
- Consolidation Notice (May 22, 2018)
- Federal Register Notice (Implementation Announcement 10/21/2015) and Technical Correction (dated 12/6/2016)
- PIH Notice 2012-05: Implementation of Statutory Change to the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act of 1996 (NAHASDA) related to Income
- PIH Notice 2011-15: Statutory Changes to NAHASDA Related to Income
Program Guidance
- Program Guidance 2018-01: Use of FCAS units and IHBG funds for THVASH rental assistance.
- Tribal HUD-VASH Guidebook April 2016
- Program Guidance 2016-05: Tribal HUD VASH Record Keeping at Initial Occupancy
- Program Guidance 2016-04: Tribal HUD VASH Rental Assistance Payments (RAP) Contract Requirements
- Program Guidance 2013-05: Calculating Annual Income for NAHASDA and Attachment: Section 8 Definition of Annual Income
Frequently Asked Questions
- Tribal HUD-VASH Expansion NOFA FAQs (March 17, 2021)
- Tribal HUD-VASH FAQ 3 (4/25/2017)
- Tribal HUD-VASH FAQ 2 (1/26/2017)
- Tribal HUD-VASH FAQ 1 (3/22/2016)
Training and Webcasts
- Tribal HUD-VASH Grant Renewal Training
- Recording Password mw1$Lq+9
- Tribal HUD-VASH Phase II Reporting Tool Training
- Tribal HUD-VASH Reporting Tool Grantee Training (June 28, 2023)
- Tribal HUD-VASH Expansion NOFA Training Materials
- Tribal HUD-VASH Grantee Training Webinar-Recorded June 12, 2019. Read the Transcript
- Tribal HUD-VASH Reporting Requirements and FAQs, September 8, 2017
- Tribal HUD-VASH Grantee Success Stories, April 27, 2017
- Tribal HUD-VASH Targeted Policy Discussion Part One: Who’s in Your Program?, May 9, 2017
- Tribal HUD-VASH Targeted Policy Discussion Part Two: Interactive Q&A with HUD and the VA, May 25, 2017
- Tribal HUD-VASH - Housing Native American Veterans in a Limited Market, June 23, 2017
- Tribal HUD-VASH Outreach, Marketing and Recruitment for THV Programs, July 6, 2017
- January 31 - February 2, 2017- Denver
- Getting your Tribal HUD-VASH Infrastructure in Place 4/28/2016
- Tribal HUD-VASH Implementation Presentation Slides
- Tribal HUD-VASH Veterans Affairs Presentation Slides
- Tribal HUD-VASH February 2016 Kick-off Presentation Slides
Success Stories
- Colville Indian Housing Authority (WA)
- April 27, 2017 Tribal HUD-VASH Grantee Success Stories
Past NOFOs and Awards
- FY 2021 NOFA- FR-6400-N-73
- Tribal HUD-VASH Expansion NOFO Round II- Deadline 1/18/2022
- Tribal HUD-VASH Expansion NOFO - Deadline 04/15/21
- FY2020 Tribal HUD-VASH Renewal Awards
- Federal Register Notice (2015 Awards)
Visit THUD-VASH Archives for previous years NOFOs, Trainings and Guidance.
What's New!
Tribal HUD-VASH Renewal Notice Published
Grant Renewal Training
- Recording Password mw1$Lq+9
Reporting Tool Resources
User Resources
- Tribal HUD-VASH Reporting Tool Training - New!
- Tribal HUD-VASH Reporting Tool Housing Information Portal Grantee Training (November 8, 2024)
- Reporting Tool- User Resources
- Email TribalHUDVASH@hud.gov or contact your local Area Office
- Form HUD-5980- Leasing Performance Report
- Sample VAMC Support Letter
- Sample Application Cover Letter
- HUD-VASH Sample Tribal Resolution Language
- Sample Implementation Schedule
Useful Links
- HUD VASH Homepage
- Office of Native American Programs
- VA Office of Tribal Government Relations
- VA Homeless Programs
- VA Health Care Fact Sheet
- United States Interagency Council on Homelessness
- National Directory of Tribes and TDHEs
- Headquarters (Washington, DC)
- Eastern Woodlands ONAP (Chicago, IL)
- Northern Plains ONAP (Denver, CO)
- Northwest ONAP (Seattle, WA)
- Southern Plains ONAP (Oklahoma City, OK)
- Southwest ONAP (Phoenix, AZ)
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