Grants Evaluation and Management System (GEMS)

    Grants Evaluation and Management System


    What is the Grants Evaluation and Management System (GEMS)

    To promote effective and efficient administration of Tribal housing programs, the Office of Native American Programs is modernizing information technology systems to simplify the grant management process for Tribal recipients.  ONAP, with the assistance of HUD’s Office of Chief Information Officer (OCIO) is developing a new system called the Grants Evaluation and Management System (GEMS).

    GEMS does not change current program and grant administration requirements but it will modernize administrative and reporting systems.  Eventually most aspects of ONAP grant processes and grantee submission requirements will be incorporated into the new system.  GEMS will replace the Energy Performance Information Center (EPIC) to centralize and streamline required submissions and communications to reduce the administrative burden on recipients and ONAP staff.  All IHPs, APRs, and SF-425s previously submitted in EPIC will be archived and accessible by ONAP staff, if needed. GEMS will also reduce administrative burden and ensure accurate information on program performance by eliminating duplicative submissions of information.

    GEMS Nationwide Rollout September 25, 2023

    GEMS is now available in all ONAP regions. Grantees will be able to access and fill out key documents in GEMS including: Indian Housing Plans (IHPs); Annual Performance Reports (APRs); and Grant Agreements for the Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) formula program; and Federal Financial Report (SF-425s) for all ONAP programs including IHBG, Indian Community Development Block Grant, and Tribal HUD-VA Supportive Housing, as well as the Resident Opportunity and Self-Sufficiency program.

    GEMS Registration

    To access GEMS, grantees will need to set up an account and enter information through the Registration Portal. GEMS does not use HUD’s secure systems feature. Instead, it utilizes a one-time signature attestation for the authorized officials to submit electronic signatures in GEMS. The area offices verify and accept registrations submitted in the portal. Once accepted an email with the log-in information will be sent. The spam or junk folder may need to be checked for the email.

    GEMS Passwords

    If you forget your password or your password has expired. Please try the password reset on the GEMS login page, if that does not work, please email for a hard password reset. Once the hard reset is completed the spam or junk folder may need to be checked for the email.

    EPIC Shutdown

    The Energy and Performance Information Center (EPIC) is no longer available for ONAP programs as of Thursday, September 14, 2023, and reporting through EPIC was discontinued. ONAP migrated the most recently accepted IHP/APR from previous years and the most recently submitted IHP and APR from EPIC to GEMS. 

    GEMS User Resources

    Training and Demonstrations

    Questions? Contact Us
