Dear Lender Letters

    The following topics were shared with OLG stakeholders through email announcements and are compiled here in a single list for your convenience.

    Search the below topics by pressing Ctrl-F on your keyboard and entering a keyword.


    Number Date Issued Description
    2024-08 08-23-2024 This Dear Lender Letter (DLL) informs Lenders and other stakeholders of the start of HUD’s FY 2024 financial closeout for the Section 184 Indian Housing Loan (Section 184), the Section 184A Native Hawaiian Housing Loan (Section 184A), and the Title VI Loan Guarantee (Title VI) programs.
    2024-07 08-22-2024 This Dear Lender Letter (DLL) extends the COVID-19 Recovery Loss
    Mitigation Options.
    2024-06 07-30-2024 The purpose of this Dear Lender Letter (DLL) is to inform Section 184A Native Hawaiian Housing Loan Guarantee Fund (Section 184A) Lenders of an update regarding Section 184A loan applications for certain properties located in the boundaries of the WMA FUDS.
    2024-05 07-26-2024 This Dear Lender Letter (DLL) further extends the foreclosure moratorium in Maui County, Hawaii.
    2024-04 05-29-2024 The purpose of this Dear Lender Letter (DLL) is to amend DLL 2023-10 titled "Extension of the Foreclosure Moratorium in Connection with the Presidentially Declared Major Disaster Area in Maui County, Hawaii”.
    2024-03 03-19-2024 The purpose of this Dear Lender Letter (DLL) is to inform Lenders participating in the Section 184 Indian Housing Loan Guarantee (Section 184) program and the Section 184A Native Hawaiian Housing Loan Guarantee (Section 184A) program of the upcoming release of the second component of Native Advantage, the Loan Origination Module, and changes to the Office of Native American Programs (ONAP) business process related to this release.
    2024-02 02-28-2024 This Dear Lender Letter (DLL) extends the initial appraisal and appraisal update validity periods for Section 184 and Section 184A loans.
    2024-01 01-30-2024 The purpose of this Dear Lender Letter (DLL) is to update the maximum loan limits for the Section 184 Indian Home Loan Guarantee (Section 184) program and Section 184A Native Hawaiian Home Loan Guarantee (Section 184A) program.


    Number Date Issued Description
    2023-10 11-09-2023 This Dear Lender Letter (DLL) extends the foreclosure moratorium in Maui County, Hawaii.
    2023-09 08-31-2023 The purpose of this Dear Lender Letter (DLL) is to issue a technical correction to DLL 2023-04 titled “Expansion of COVID-19 Loss Mitigation Options” issued on May 12, 2023.
    2023-08 08-24-2023 This corrected Dear Lender Letter (DLL) informs Lenders and other stakeholders of the start of HUD’s FY 2023 financial closeout for the Section 184 Indian Home Loan (Section 184), the Section 184A Native Hawaiian Home Loan (Section 184A) and the Title VI Loan Guarantee (Title VI) programs.
    2023-07 08-03-2023 The purpose of this Dear Lender Letter (DLL) is to provide notice of the temporary expansion of the single close construction and rehabilitation loan reimbursement for stored materials and shipping costs policy.
    2023-06 08-01-2023 The purpose of this Dear Lender Letter (DLL) is to update the Section 184 program Eligible Lending Areas and provide 2023 Maximum Loan Limits for these newly approved Section 184 Eligible Lending Areas.
    2023-05 06-06-2023 The purpose of this Dear Lender Letter (DLL) is to provide guidance to Lenders on the implementation of the reduction in the Upfront and Annual Loan Guarantee Fees under the Section 184 Indian Home Loan Guarantee Program (Section 184 Program), as published in the Federal Register on May 4, 2023.
    2023-04 05-12-2023 This Dear Lender Letter (DLL) extends and amends the COVID-19 Loss Mitigation Options.
    2023-03 04-25-2023

    The purpose of this Dear Lender Letter (DLL) is to update the maximum loan limits for the Section 184 Indian Home Loan Guarantee (Section 184) program and Section 184A Native Hawaiian Home Loan Guarantee (Section 184A) program..

    2023-02 04-13-2023 This Dear Lender Letter (DLL) updates the process for Tribes to request an expansion of the area in which the Section 184 program may operate..
    2023-01 04-11-2023

    The purpose of this Dear Lender Letter (DLL) is to establish a final date for
    requesting COVID-19 Forbearance and a final date for when the COVID-
    19 Forbearance must terminate


    Number Date Issued Description
    2022-06 11-29-2022

    The purpose of this Dear Lender Letter (DLL) is to outline the requirements for the Section 184 Skilled Workers Demonstration (Demonstration).

    Attachment: Skilled Workers Use Agreement

    2022-05 08-23-2022 The purpose of this Dear Lender Letter (DLL) is to inform Lenders and other stakeholders of the start of HUD’s Fiscal Year 2022 financial closeout for the Section 184 Indian Home Loan (Section 184), the Section 184A Native Hawaiian Home Loan (Section 184A) and the Title VI Loan Guarantee (Title VI) programs.
    2022-04 05-17-2022 The purpose of this Dear Lender Letter (DLL) is to update the maximum loan limits for the Section 184 Indian Home Loan Guarantee (Section 184) program and Section 184A Native Hawaiian Home Loan Guarantee (Section 184A) program.


    2022-03 03-10-2022 The purpose of this Dear Lender Letter (DLL) is to amend some of the review and re-review requirements in DLL 2022-01 and to make a technical update to the First Legal Action and Reasonable Diligence time frames for Borrowers exiting a COVID-19 Forbearance.


    2022-02 02-17-2022 The purpose of this Dear Lender Letter (DLL) is to inform Lenders and Servicers participating in the Section 184 Indian Home Loan Guarantee (Section 184) program, the Section 184A Native Hawaiian Housing Loan Guarantee (Section 184A) program and the Tribal Activities Loan Guarantee (Title VI) program of their requirement to obtain and report their UEI (SAM) (SAMs Number) to the Office of Loan Guarantee (OLG) no later than March 15, 2022. This requirement also applies to the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands (DHHL).
    2022-01 01-19-2022 The purpose of this Dear Lender Letter (DLL) is to restate the COVID-19 loss mitigation options for the Section 184 Indian Home Loan Guarantee (Section 184) and Section 184A Native Hawaiian Home Loan Guarantee (Section 184A) programs, including three new loss mitigation options. View Letter



    Number Date Issued Description
    2021-14 12-16-2021 This Dear Lender Letter (DLL) announces a revision to DLL 2021-13 issued on November 22, 2021, which announced, among other things, the deadline all Office of Native American Programs (ONAP)-approved Direct Guarantee (DG) Lenders and Servicers must use the Native Advantage Claims Module to submit claims.
    2021-13 11-22-2021 The purpose of this Dear Lender Letter (DLL) is to announce the release of the first component of Native Advantage, ONAP’s new loan management platform to support the Section 184 and Section 184A programs.
    2021-12 11-12-2021 Endorsement of Loans for Borrowers under a COVID-19 Forbearance for the Section 184 Indian Home Loan Guarantee program (Section 184) and Section 184A Native Hawaiian Home Loan Guarantee program (Section 184A).
    2021-11 09-30-2021 Extension of COVID-19 Forbearance for the Section 184 Indian Home Loan Guarantee (Section 184) and Section 184A Native Hawaiian Home Loan Guarantee (Section 184A) programs.



    Section 184 Indian Home Loan Guarantee (Section 184) Program – Issuance of a Loan Guarantee Certificate (LGC) Prior to the Receipt of Trailing Documents

    2021-09 09-03-2021 Technical changes and updates to property preservation, reasonable diligence time frames and attorney fees for Loan Guarantee claim payments.
    2021-08 08-17-2021 Office of Loan Guarantee Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 Year End Closure
    2021-07 07-30-2021 Extension of Foreclosure-Related Eviction Moratorium and Expiration of the Foreclosure Moratorium in Connection with the Presidentially-Declared COVID-19 National Emergency.
    2021-06 06-30-2021 Extension of Foreclosure and Eviction Moratorium and Further Expansion of COVID-19 Forebearance.
    2021-05 05/10/2021 Section 184 Program Activity
    2021-04 04/22/2021 Underwriting Guidelines for General Refinance Transactions; Underwriting Guidelines for Borrowers with Previous COVID-19 Forbearance History
    2021-03 03/31/2021 Section 184A Financing of Homes Located on Agricultural and Pastoral Lots on Hawaiian Home Lands
    2021-02 02/19/2021 Section 184 Indian Home Loan Guarantee program (Section 184) and Section 184A Native Hawaiian Home Loan Guarantee program (Section 184A) extension of foreclosure and eviction moratoriums; extension and amendment of loan processing flexibilities; and expansion of loss mitigation options in connection with the COVID-19 National Emergency.
    2021-01 01/21/2021 Extension of foreclosure and eviction moratorium and loan processing flexibilities in connection with the Presidentially Declared COVID-19 National Emergency.


    Number Date Issued Description
    2020-13 12/21/2020 Extension of foreclosure and eviction moratorium and loan processing flexibilities in connection with the Presidentially Declared COVID-19 National Emergency.
    2020-12 10/30/2020 Extension of Re-verification of Employment and Tax Transcript Flexibilities and Updated Appraisal Flexibilities in Connection with the COVID-19 National Emergency
    2020-11 09/09/2020 Section 184A Loan Limits
    2020-10 08/28/2020 Extension of Foreclosure Moratorium and Administrative Flexibilities
    2020-09 08/14/2020 Office of Loan Guarantee Fiscal Year 2020 Year-End Closure
    2020-08 06/29/2020 Extension of DLL 2020-04, DLL 2020-05 and DLL 2020-0
    2020-07 06/22/2020 Catalyst - Electronic Document Delivery Module (DDM) Section 184 and Section 184A Electronic Endorsement and Claims Submission 
    2020-06 05/19/2020 CARES Act- Clarification of Eviction Moratorium and Loss Mitigation
    2020-05 04/09/2020 COVID-19 Employment Verification and Appraisal Process
    2020-04 03/20/2020 COVID-19 Foreclosure and Eviction Moratorium
    2020-03 03/14/2020 COVID-19 Electronic Submission of Endorsement Package
    2020-02 03/16/2020 COVID-19 and Non-COVID Loss Mitigation Process
    2020-01 03/09/2020 Tribe-TDHE Cash Out Refinance


    Notices Issued Before 2020
    Number Date Issued Description
      04/30/2019 Section 184 Claims Review and Payment
      08/03/2017 ONAP Loan Origination System Notice
      11/15/2016 November 15, 2016 memo – Loan processing updates (Effective December 1, 2016)
      11/02/2016 Fee Increase FAQs (dated 11/2/2016)
      11/01/2016 Annual Fee Federal Register Notice (dated 11/1/2016)
      04/13/2016 FHA Mortgagee Letter 2016-08 – calculating student loan payments
      02/25/2015 Annual Fee Submission Tutorial Annual Fee Submission Tutorial (PAY.GOV)
      10/15/2014 Annual Fee Mortgagee Letter (dated 10/15/2014)