Resources & Training
EHV Resource Library
EHV Service Fee Guidance, Tips, and Resources
This webpage highlights the importance of timely and accurate reporting of the Emergency Housing Voucher (EHV) service fee to the Voucher Management System (VMS).
Common EHV Compliance Findings
The Quality Assurance Division (QAD) and the HUD Vendor Support Team (VST) continue to conduct on-site and remote reviews of EHV programs around the country and have identified common findings/concerns to help PHAs prepare for future reviews.
EHV Success Stories
A collection of EHV success stories highlighting tenant success and community-level collaborative partnerships.
EHV Funding Briefs
The Emergency Housing Vouchers (EHV) Funding Briefs series is to provide information on funding that can be utilized to provide services and resources to eligible EHV households.
PIH’s Resources on Preventing and Ending Homelessness
Cross-cutting, cross-programmatic tools and resources to encourage and support our local public housing authorities (PHAs) and Continuums of Care (CoCs) in developing effective partnerships at the community level.
Disease Risks and Homelessness
A listing of resources designed to assist PHAs and their partners in ensuring that the unique needs and opportunities related to the homeless service system are incorporated in plans to prevent and respond to infectious diseases like COVID-19.
A collection of resources to assist PHAs in engaging with potential landlords.
- Landlord Symposium – EHV Focus Presentation
- Steps to Become an EHV Landlord
- EHV Landlord FAQ
- EHV Fact Sheet and Benefits for Landlords
- HCV Landlord Resources
Sample Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to Assist PHAs in Administering the EHV Program
Sample MOUs and Certification forms to assist PHAs in administering the EHV program.
Sample Homeless Certification
Sample Human Trafficking Certification
Sample Certification for Survivors of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, Stalking, and/or Human Trafficking
Note: Sample certification documents are for reference. The use of these certification documents is optional and not required by HUD.
Sample Referral Packet Template to Support the EHV Referral Process
Sample Referral Packet to assist PHAs in administering the EHV program.
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