Technical Suitability of Products Program

    I. Description of Program

    The Technical Suitability of Products program provides for the acceptance of new materials and products to be used in buildings financed with FHA-insured mortgages. This includes new single family homes, multi-family housing, and healthcare facilities.

    II. Background Information

    The Technical Suitability of Products Program was established under Section 521 of the National Housing Act of 1965 to provide a mechanism for the rapid technical acceptance of new and innovative materials, components and complete structural systems for use in construction of housing under HUD mortgage insurance programs. The procedures for acceptance of products and materials are detailed in HUD Handbook 4950.1. Since the program was started in 1967, approximately 2500 products and building systems have been accepted by HUD. Each acceptance must be renewed every three years.

    III. Types of System or Product Acceptances Issued

    IV. State Governments Whose Regulations Concerning Modular Housing Industry Has Been Accepted by HUD

    In 30 States, HUD has agreed to accept State approval of modular housing so that manufacturers do not have to obtain a separate SEB. These States are called Category III Housing States. In Category III States, housing units or building components that are subject to State regulations for design and construction receive a State label.

    V. Program Management

    HUD's Office of Architecture and Engineering within the Office of Healthcare Programs manages the Technical Suitability of Products program.

    VI. Other Related HUD Fact Sheets and Publications

    HUD Technical Suitability of Products Program - HUD Handbook 4950.1

    Fact Sheet For Builders/Manufacturers - The Minimum Property Standards Program

    Minimum Property Standards For Housing - HUD Handbook 4910.1, issued July 29, 1994.

    HUD Architectural Processing and Inspections For Home Mortgage Insurance, HUD Handbook 4145.1

    Permanent Foundations Guide For Manufactured Housing - issued September 1996. Also available as software. Can be ordered from HUD User at 1-800-245-2691.

    Minimum Design Standards for Community Sewerage Systems - HUD Handbook 4940.3, issued November 1992.

    Handbooks may also be ordered from HUD's Customer Service Center by calling 1-800-767-7468.

    VII. Points of Contact for Questions and Additional Information

    Send all technical questions concerning the Technical Suitability of Products Program to: