Purchasing and Relocation

    By an act of Congress in 1974, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) was designated as the government agency to oversee the Federal manufactured housing program. The area within HUD responsible for the oversight function is the Office of Manufactured Housing Programs. Working in conjunction with the Manufactured Housing office are states known as State Administrative Agencies (SAAs). States participating in the SAA program administer and enforce the Federal manufactured housing Standards and Regulations. A list of SAAs can be found in the homeowner's manual that is provided with each new home.

    What is a Manufactured Home?

    A manufactured home (formerly known as a mobile home) is built to the Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards (HUD Code) and displays a red certification label on the exterior of each transportable section. Manufactured homes are built in the controlled environment of a manufacturing plant and are transported in one or more sections on a permanent chassis.

    May the Retailer Make Alterations to a New Home?

    Retailers may make alterations, but must carefully ensure that the change complies with the HUD Code. If an alteration does not comply with the HUD Code, the home cannot be sold or offered for sale. If you have a question about an alteration to your home, contact the manufacturer, the SAA, or HUD for assistance. An alteration is defined as the replacement, addition, modification, or removal of any equipment or installation, after sale by a manufacturer to a retailer, but prior to sale by the retailer to a purchaser, that may affect the construction, fire safety, occupancy, or plumbing, heating or electrical systems of a manufactured home.

    Am I Permitted to Relocate My Home to Another Site or Even Another State?

    Yes, when a home is going to be relocated, it is crucial to check with the appropriate authorities having jurisdiction regarding transportation of manufactured homes and applicable zoning regulations regarding placement of the home. There are State laws that regulate the weight, size, running gear, and width of homes being transported on State highways. Also, the data plate zone maps located in the home indicate the zones for which the home was constructed. A manufactured home should never be placed in a more restrictive wind, thermal, or roof load zone than that for which it was built.

    What Are My Options for Financing the Purchase of a Manufactured Home?

    There are many choices for financing your home, since a growing number of lending institutions provide conventional and government-insured financing for prospective owners. Some lenders offer long-term real estate mortgages which may require that the home be placed on an approved foundation.

    Manufactured homes are eligible for government-insured loans offered by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), the Veterans Administration (VA), and the Rural Housing Services (RHS) under the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

    The Department of Housing and Urban Development strongly encourages homebuyers to contact a HUD-approved housing counseling agency prior to searching for a home. These agencies generally provide their services without cost and have counselors who can assess your financial situation, determine what options are available, and will be familiar with various housing programs and local community resources.

    HUD's Housing Counseling Clearinghouse operates a toll-free 24-hour-a-day automated voice response system that provides referrals to local housing counseling agencies, at (800) 569-4287.  Referrals are also available to Spanish-speaking consumers.

    Para localizar el centro de consejeria sobre vivienda mas cercano y aprobado por HUD, llame al (800) 569-4287.  Siga las instrucciones para personas de habla hispana.