Homeowner Fact Sheet

Description of Program

The manufactured housing program regulates the construction of all manufactured (mobile) homes built in the United States. The HUD program also oversees the enforcement of the construction standards working through private inspection agencies and State governments.

HUD Manufactured Home Construction Standards

Manufactured homes are homes built as dwelling units of at least 320 square feet in size with a permanent chassis to assure the initial and continued transportability of the home. All transportable sections of manufactured homes built in the U.S. after June 15, 1976 must contain a certification label (commonly referred to as a HUD Tag) on the home. The label is the manufacturer's certification that the home section is built in accordance with HUD's Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards (the Standards). The Standards cover Body and Frame Requirements, Thermal Protection, Plumbing, Electrical, Fire Safety, and other aspects of the home. The Standards are published in the Code of Federal Regulations under 24 CFR Part 3280.

Consumer Complaints

HUD has entered into cooperative agreements with most state governments to conduct periodic checks of plant records and to respond to consumer complaints. These state governments each designate a State Administrative Agency (SAA). HUD carries out these functions in any states that do not have state-run SAA programs.

If you have any complaints about the performance of your manufactured home that have not been resolved by the retailer where you purchased the home or by the manufacturer that produced the home, you should first contact the SAA where you live, or HUD if you do not live in a state with an SAA. It is important to provide the following information with your complaint:

  • Retailer's name, address, and phone number
  • Manufacturer's name, address, and phone number
  • Serial and Label Number(s)
  • Date of purchase
  • Description of the complaint (include copies of all documentation with the retailer and/or manufacturer, pictures, etc.)
  • Your name, address, and phone number(s), and email address

Program Management

HUD manages the program from its Headquarters office in Washington, DC. The mailing address is:

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Office of Manufactured Housing Programs
451 Seventh Street, SW, Room 9170
Washington, DC 20410-8000

The phone number is (202) 402-2698 (toll free number 1-800-927-2891). Consumers may leave a message and request that a staff person return their call. The program office's fax number is (202) 708-4213. HUD’s Office of Manufactured Housing Programs staff may also be reached via email at mhs@hud.gov

Other Related HUD Program Information

Points of Contact for Questions and Additional Information

Contact the State Administrative Agency in the state where you live.