HOTMA Related Forms Drafting Table 



    Multifamily Housing (MFH) is updating the forms associated with owner certifications of tenant eligibility and rent procedures. The updates are needed to ensure that the forms reflect changes enacted as part of the Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act of 2016 (HOTMA), and for other purposes. As required by the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA), the forms were made available for public comment for a 60-day period via a Federal Register Notice that was published on July 9, 2024. Comments were due on September 9, 2024. The versions of the forms now posted on this Drafting Table reflect revisions made since the close of the 60-day comment period.

    The PRA requires a second comment period, with a duration of 30 days. MFH is working to post the Federal Register Notice that will initiate that 30-day comment period. In the meantime, given the inherent complexity of HOTMA and MFH’s desire to ensure that stakeholders have adequate time to consider and offer comment on proposed changes to these forms, MFH is taking the extraordinary step of posting the forms to the Drafting Table now. Via a message to stakeholders, MFH will provide notification once the 30-day Notice has been published in the Federal Register. That 30-day Notice will provide (1) a deadline for submitting comments on these forms and (2) instructions for how to submit them.

    The following forms are made available:


    Form NumberForm Title
    9887 & 9887ADocument Package for Applicant’s/Tenant’s Consent to the Release of Information
    50059Owner’s Certification of Compliance with HUD’s Tenant Eligibility and Rent Procedures
    50059 InstructionsInstructions for TRACS 203A form HUD-50059
    50059AOwner’s Certification of Compliance with HUD’s Tenant Eligibility and Rent Procedures
    50059A InstructionsInstructions for TRACS 203A form HUD-50059A
    90105aModel Lease for Subsidized Programs
    90105bModel Lease for Sections 202/8 and 202/162 Projects
    90105cModel Lease for Use Under Section 202 PRAC Program
    90105dModel Lease for Use Under Section 811 PRAC Program
    92236Model Lease for Use Under Section 811 PRA Program
    EIV and You BrochureEIV & You
    Form HUD-27061-HRace and Ethnic Data Reporting Form
    Form HUD-90011Enterprise Income Verification (EIV) System Multifamily Housing Coordinator Access Authorization Form
    Form HUD-90012Enterprise Income Verification (EIV) System User Access Authorization Form
    Form HUD-90100Recertification Notice
    Form HUD-90101Certification of Long-Term Care Insurance
    Form HUD-90102Verification of Disability
    Form HUD-90103Verification of Disability
    Form HUD-90104Exception to Limitations on Admission of Families
    Form HUD-90106Move-In/Move-Out Inspection Form
    RRR BrochureResident Rights & Responsibilities
    Section 8 Fact SheetFact Sheet for HUD Assisted Residents
    Section 202-811 Fact SheetFact Sheet for HUD Assisted Residents
    Section 236 Fact SheetFact Sheet for HUD Assisted Residents


    Last Updated: 10/24/2024



    Feedback Open