The Reconciliation report file provides information about your FHA cases that are unreconciled from the prior billing period. The file is generated monthly at billing, so all information is current for the billing period. The report file is available to users by the 17th of the month and remains available for three months on the FHA Connection. (See the old Reconciliation report file layout.)
Field Name | Length | Type | Start Position | Picture | Description |
Lender ID | 5 | Alphanumeric | 1 | X(5) | Lender on record in HUD's Single Family Monthly Premium Collection System - Periodic (SFPCS-P) as servicing the case when the report file was created. First five digits of the FHA's unique 10-digit identifier assigned to the servicing lender. |
FHA Case Number | 11 | Alphanumeric | 6 | X(11) | Unique 10-digit identifier assigned to the FHA loan by HUD. The first two positions identify the state where the property is located, the third position identifies the HUD Field Office territory in which the property is located, the next six positions identify the serial number, and the final position is the check digit. Note: An optional dash (-) can be placed after the third digit. |
Loan Number | 18 | Alphanumeric | 17 | X(18) | Identifier for the mortgage. Number assigned to the mortgage loan by the lender. Note: This number must be sent monthly with the monthly premium payment for the case in order for it to be displayed. |
Billing Period | 6 | Alphanumeric | 35 | X(6) | Month and year the file was generated (YYYYMM). |
Discrepancy Reason | 21 | Alphanumeric | 41 | X(21) | Description and code for the reason the case has a discrepancy.
Total Owed | 9 | Numeric | 62 | -9(5).99 | Total Premium Due + Total Late Due - Total Unapplied. |
Total Premium Due | 9 | Numeric | 71 | -9(5).99 | Total monthly mortgage insurance premium charges due this billing period. |
Total Late Due | 9 | Numeric | 80 | -9(5).99 | Total late charges due this billing period. |
Total Unapplied | 9 | Numeric | 89 | -9(5).99 | Net amount of overpayments after applying payment to premium and late due. |
Current Premium Added | 9 | Numeric | 98 | -9(5).99 | Monthly mortgage insurance premium charges for this billing period. |
Current Late Added | 9 | Numeric | 107 | -9(5).99 | Late charges for this billing period. |
[Prior Month] Bill Premium | 9 | Numeric | 116 | -9(5).99 | Monthly mortgage insurance premium charges for the previous billing period. |
[Prior Month] Late | 9 | Numeric | 125 | -9(5).99 | Late charges for the previous billing period. |
[Prior Month] Unapplied | 9 | Numeric | 134 | -9(5).99 | Amount of excess funds that were not applied to charges for the previous billing period. |
Last Payment Date | 10 | Alphanumeric | 143 | X(10) | Date of the last payment remitted for the case (MM/DD/YYYY). |
Last Payment Amount | 7 | Numeric | 153 | -9(5).99 | Amount of the last payment remitted for the case. |
Premiums Missed | 3 | Numeric | 162 | 9(3) | Number of monthly mortgage insurance premium payments the lender has failed to remit. |
Current Month Applied Premium | 9 | Numeric | 165 | -9(5).99 | Amount applied to premium charges during the billing period from the 15th of last month to the 15th of this month. |
Current Month Applied Late | 9 | Numeric | 174 | -9(5).99 | Amount applied to late charges during the billing period from the 15th of last month to the 15th of this month. |
Current Month Unapplied | 9 | Numeric | 183 | -9(5).99 | Amount added to unapplied funds during the billing period from the 15th of last month to the 15th of this month. |
Total Applied Premium | 9 | Numeric | 192 | -9(5).99 | Amount applied to the monthly mortgage insurance premium charges owed. |
Total Applied Late | 9 | Numeric | 201 | -9(5).99 | Amount applied to the late charges owed. |
Status | 10 | Alphanumeric | 210 | X(10) | Current state of the case (Active, Terminated, or Claim). |
Refinance Pending | 3 | Alphanumeric | 220 | X(3) | Indicates whether a case is pending refinance and cannot be terminated by the lender. |
Refinancing Lender | 5 | Alphanumeric | 223 | X(5) | First five digits of the 10-digit identifier assigned to the lender that requested the refinance. |
Refinance Expiration Date | 10 | Alphanumeric | 228 | X(10) | Date the refinance authorization expires (MM/DD/YYYY). |
Actively Billed | 3 | Alphanumeric | 238 | X(3) | Indicates whether the case is still actively being billed. A value of "No" is displayed when a case is out of billing years, exempt, or terminated. |
Exempt | 3 | Alphanumeric | 241 | X(3) | Indicates whether the case is exempt from Risk-based monthly mortgage insurance premium payments. |
Beginning Amortization Date | 10 | Alphanumeric | 244 | X(10) | Date loan amortization starts; one month prior to the first principal and interest (P&I) payment (MM/DD/YYYY). |
Close Date | 10 | Alphanumeric | 254 | X(10) | Date of the signing of the mortgage documents and the disbursement of funds necessary to consummate the loan transaction. |
Endorsement Date | 10 | Alphanumeric | 264 | X(10) | Date of the agreement to underwrite the FHA single family mortgage loan; date the mortgage insurance certificate (MIC) was issued by the FHA Commissioner (MM/DD/YYYY). |
Final Bill Date | 10 | Alphanumeric | 274 | X(10) | Date the last monthly premium will be assessed (due the first of the following month) (MM/DD/YYYY). |
Termination Date | 10 | Alphanumeric | 284 | X(10) | Effective date the mortgage insurance was terminated or canceled; represents the date through which monthly insurance premium was assessed on the case (MM/DD/YYYY). |
Section of Act | 4 | Alphanumeric | 294 | X(4) | ADP Code representing the section of the National Housing Act under which the case is insured. |
Original Mortgage Amount | 10 | Numeric | 298 | 9(7).99 | Amount of the principal obligation stated on the mortgage (or other security instrument); includes upfront mortgage insurance premium (UFMIP), if UFMIP is financed. |
Loan to Value Ratio | 6 | Numeric | 308 | 9.9(4) | Original loan-to-value ratio. Percentage of the property value or sales price that the mortgage covers. |
Monthly P & I | 8 | Numeric | 314 | 9(5).99 | Monthly principal and interest due on the loan (expressed as a percentage). |
Term | 3 | Numeric | 322 | 9(3) | Length of the loan in months, from the beginning of loan amortization until maturity. |
Billing Years | 2 | Numeric | 325 | 9(2) | Number of years the monthly premium will be billed for the loan (the value is expressed in whole years only; partial years are rounded to the next whole year). Value is zero (0) when not applicable. |
Interest Rate | 6 | Numeric | 327 | .9(5) | Original interest rate of the loan; charged annually by the mortgagee. |
Bill Type | 10 | Alphanumeric | 333 | X(10) | Type of premium billing for the loan based on the Single Family FHA program.
Premium Rate | 6 | Numeric | 343 | .9(5) | Percentage the unpaid loan balance is multiplied by for the calculation of annual or monthly premium. Examples: A value of 1.50 is 1.50% or .015. A value of 0.25 is 0.25% or .0025. |
Upfront Factor | 6 | Numeric | 349 | .9(5) | Premium factor rate used to calculate the upfront premium amount. |
Upfront MIP Financed | 3 | Numeric | 355 | X(3) | Indicates whether the upfront premium was added to the base loan amount and financed by the lending institution. |
Total Record Length: 358
For the Alternate Report Retrieval process (secure file transfer process), see also Header and Trailer Records.
The Reconciliation report file provides information about your FHA cases that are unreconciled from the prior billing period. The file is generated monthly at billing, so all information is current for the billing period. The report file is available to users by the 17th of the month and remains available for three months on the FHA Connection. (See the new Reconciliation report file layout.)
Total Record Length: 287
For the Alternate Report Retrieval process (secure file transfer process), see also Header and Trailer Records
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