Batch File Format for Payment of Upfront MIP for New Purchase and Conventional Refinance Cases
    The batch file format described below is used to transmit to HUD (CPU to CPU) a Single Family upfront mortgage insurance premium (MIP) payment for new purchase and conventional refinance cases. Collection processing of the transmitted payment is performed by

    Note: If the mortgage is being refinanced and was not FHA-insured, it is referred to as a conventional refinance case.

    The batch file must include the following records, in this order:

    The file can have only one Header Record, Deposit Control Record, and Deposit Total Record. The file can contain multiple Detail and Supplemental Overflow Records. For each Detail Record, there must be a Supplemental Overflow Record. These two records contain information for one case transaction.

    For information on batch file naming conventions, see Upfront Mortgage Insurance Premium Batch Payment Processing Instructions for CPU to CPU Transmissions.

    Header Record

    Field Name Position Length Type Format Description
    Record Type 1 1 Numeric 9(1) This field must always have the value 1.
    Filler 2-3 2 Numeric 9(2) Zero (0) fill.
    Filler 4-13 10 Alphanumeric X(10) Blank fill.
    Filler 14-18 5 Numeric 9(5) Zero (0) fill.
    Company Number 19-23 5 Numeric 9(5) Number identifying the file format. This field must always have the value 00054.
    Transmission Date  24-29 6 Numeric YYMMDD Estimated date the file is transmitted.
    Transmission Time  30-33 4 Numeric HHMM Estimated time the file is transmitted (Eastern Time).
    Override Duplicate Unit Deposit 34 1 Alphanumeric X(1)  Options for handling duplicate case payments per day:
    Blank space: System rejects duplicate dollar amounts for a Mortgagee ID within the same day and duplicate files within the past 10 days.
    U: System permits duplicate dollar amounts for a Mortgagee ID within the same day but rejects duplicate files within the past 10 days.
    C: System rejects duplicate dollar amounts for a Mortgagee ID within the same day but permits duplicate files within the past 10 days.
    B: System permits duplicate payment.
    Filler 35-80 46 Alphanumeric X(46) Blank fill.

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    Detail Record

    Field Name Position Length Type Format Description
    Record Type 1 1 Numeric 9(1) This field must always have the value 6.
    Filler 2-4 3 Numeric 9(3) Zero (0) fill.
    Mortgagee / Lender ID Number 5-14 10 Numeric 9(10)


    Ten-digit FHA Title II identifier assigned to the lending institution making the payment.

    Right justify and zero (0) fill.
    Filler 15-17 3 Numeric 9(3) Zero (0) fill.
    Total Transaction Amount 18-24 7 Numeric 9(5)V99
    Sum of the Premium Amount, Late Charge Amount, and Interest Charge Amount for the specified FHA Case Number. Must equal the Total Amount in the Supplemental Record.

    Right justify and zero (0) fill.
    Supplemental Indicator   25 1 Alphanumeric X(1) This field must always have the value S.
    Filler 26-30 5 Numeric 9(5) Zero (0) fill.
    FHA Case Number 31-40 10 Numeric 9(10)
    Unique 10-digit identifier assigned by the FHA to the new mortgage loan for which FHA insurance is being requested.

    Right justify and zero (0) fill.
    Closing Date 41-46 6 Numeric MMDDYY Date of the signing of the mortgage documents or the disbursement of funds necessary to consummate the loan transaction.
    Filler 47-63 17 Numeric 9(17) Zero (0) fill.
    Premium Amount 64-70 7 Numeric 9(5)V99
    Upfront MIP payment amount for the specified FHA Case Number.

    Right justify and zero (0) fill.
    Effective Date 71-76 6 Numeric MMDDYY This field is not currently applicable and can be zero (0) filled.
    Filler 77-80 4 Alphanumeric X(4) Blank fill.

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    Supplemental Overflow Record

    Field Name Position Length Type Format Description
    Record Type 1 1 Numeric 9(1) This field must always have the value 4.
    Sequence Number of Overflow 2-3 2 Numeric 9(2) This field must always have the value 01.
    Last Record Indicator 4 1 Numeric 9(1) This field must always have the value 9.
    Filler 5-14 10 Numeric 9(10) Zero (0) fill.
    Late Charge Amount 15-19 5 Numeric 9(3)V99 Late charge payment amount for the specified FHA Case Number.

    Right justify and zero (0) fill.
    Filler  20-27 8 Numeric 9(8) Zero (0) fill.
    Interest Charge Amount 28-34 7 Numeric 9(5)V99 Interest charge payment amount for the specified FHA Case Number.

    Right justify and zero (0) fill.
    Filler 35-42 8 Numeric 9(8) Zero (0) fill.
    Total Amount 43-49 7 Numeric 9(5)V99 Sum of the Premium Amount, Late Charge Amount, and Interest Charge Amount for the specified FHA Case Number. Must equal the Total Transaction Amount in the Detail Record.

    Right justify and zero (0) fill.
    Filler 50-80 31 Alphanumeric X(31) Blank fill.

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    Deposit Control Record

    Field Name Position Length Type Format Description
    Record Type 1 1 Numeric 9(1) This field must always have the value 8.
    Company Number 2-6 5 Numeric 9(5) This field must always have the value 00054.
    Total Deposit Reports 7-11 5 Numeric 9(5) Count of all the Detail Records in the file.

    Right justify and zero (0) fill.
    Total Deposits 12-22 11 Numeric 9(9)V99 Sum of the Total Transaction Amount for all Detail Records. Total amount paid for all cases specified in the file.

    Right justify and zero (0) fill.
    Filler 23-80 58 Alphanumeric X(58) Blank fill.

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    Deposit Total Record

    Field Name Position Length Type Format Description
    Record Type 1 1 Numeric 9(1) This field must always have the value 9.
    Total Record Count 2-7 6 Numeric 9(6) Total number of records in the file, including the Header Record (Record Type 1) and Deposit Total Record (Record Type 9).

    Right justify and zero (0) fill.
    Filler 8-80 73 Alphanumeric X(73) Blank fill.

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    See also Upfront MIP batch file formats for: