Discontinuing Monthly Mortgage Insurance Premium Payments

    Many homebuyers ask FHA if they can stop paying FHA monthly mortgage insurance premiums with their mortgages.

    FHA insures mortgages so that lenders will be encouraged to make more mortgages available for people. The FHA mortgage insurance agreement is between FHA and the mortgage company, so you must contact your mortgage company and ask them what they require to drop the insurance. Most mortgage companies will want you to have a substantial amount of equity in your home.

    If the periodic (monthly) mortgage insurance premiums are paid up for an FHA case before schedule (i.e., accelerated payments were made and the unpaid principal balance is 78% or less), the month and year the last monthly insurance premium is assessed (final bill date) can be changed by the servicer or holder of the mortgage.  However cancellation of the monthly premium can only be used for active risk-based cases that have a closing date after December 31, 2000 and a case number assignment date before June 3, 2013 and meet the eligibility requirements described in Mortgagee Letter 2000-46 (with Attachment).

    For mortgages with an FHA case number assignment date on or after June 3, 2013, the FHA insurance can be terminated by the servicer or holder if the mortgage is paid in full before the maturity date.