Questions and Answers
Who is billed for premium payments?
The servicer on record for the case in the Single Family Premium Collection Subsystem - Periodic (SFPCS Periodic) when the bill is generated is billed for the case that month.
Section 530 and Risk-based cases requiring monthly (periodic) mortgage insurance premium payments. The bill includes any premium, late, and interest charges due through the billing period. Active cases receive $0.00 billing if no charges are assessed. Terminated cases are billed if there are any outstanding charges. Non-endorsed and invalid cases are not billed.
Where can I retrieve my bills?
A Billing report file is available by the 17th day of the month through the FHA Connection or, for large volume lenders and service bureaus, the Alternate Report Retrieval process (secure file transfer process). Also, lenders with a portfolio of 3,000 cases or less can get a list of billed cases for online payment on the FHA Connection.
Do you have access to the FHA Connection? If not, the FHA Connection Welcome page includes links to detailed information about the website. The FHA Connection Registration Procedures [PDF] module of the FHA Connection Guide provides information on FHA Connection registration. (See also Mortgagee Letters 98-13 [DOC] and 97-14 [TXT].)
After signing on to the FHA Connection, select Single Family FHA, followed by Single Family Servicing, then Monthly Premiums. Select the Retrieve Files button to access your billing report file or select Update or View Payment to view and select billed cases for payment.
Billing information is available by the 17th of the month with payment due the first day of the following month.
How long does the current bill remain available on the FHA Connection?
The current bill remains available for three months. Three months worth of bills, including the current month's, are available to view or download.
Can I retrieve previous bills from the FHA Connection?
Three months worth of the latest bills are available from the FHA Connection.
Will I receive a bill for active Risk-based loans with zero premium due next month?
Yes. The bill will indicate $0.00 assessed.
I purchased a case, but I have not received a bill for it. Am I responsible for paying the premium this month?
If you were not recorded as the servicer on record for the case at the time of billing, you would not receive a bill for the case. However, if you and the seller agreed that you would pay this month's premium, you must remit payment before the 10th of the month to avoid penalties.
I sold a case, but I am still receiving a bill for it. How do I correct this?
Submit a servicer transfer using the FHA Connection or Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). A servicer change also occurs automatically if a mortgage insurance premium payment from a HUD-approved servicing lender that is not the current servicer of the case is processed in HUD's SFPCS Periodic system. Keep in mind that the servicer on record in SFPCS Periodic at the time of billing will receive a bill for that month.
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