Tribal Healthy Homes
OLHCHH is taking new steps in an effort to increase family and community wellness among Native American tribes and Alaska Native communities. In addition to grants, OLHCHH is developing new publications and providing other tools to help establish, strengthen, and sustain local tribal healthy homes education/outreach programs for home occupants. These will be available sometime this summer. We also will be creating a new app to tackle home health issues.
We are reaching out to residents, and diverse professions and occupations found on tribal lands. These include:
- Members of tribal governments
- Heath care managers and staff
- Housing maintenance contractors and workers
- Childcare/teachers
- Builders and housing inspectors
- Air quality technicians
Throughout time, tribal tradition, culture and tradition have been passed from generation to generation via tongue and/or hand. As a way to reach Native American populations about the importance of healthy homes, OLHCHH and USDA developed this digital story. It serves to connect healthy homes concepts to traditional values so important to Native people. It shows us that the “home” in Indian Country is a spiritual place., and traditionally, far more than a physical shelter.
Examples of construction in Alaska using Indian Community Development Block Grants:
1. Sand Point, Alaska Health Clinic 2. Sleet mute Health Clinic 3. Venetie, Alaska Home (Click for full story)
Oral tradition or storytelling has always been an integral part of Native American culture. These two digital stories relate directly to the health of Native Americans by addressing the health of their homes. The stories give also give a cultural and spiritual context.
Each story is a history about the importance of traditional housing and what the “home” traditionally means. The script and video images were provided, in most part, by the Fort Peck Tribe in Montana.
The Tribal Healthy Homes Network recently launched a new database of all forms of grants and loans that tribes are eligible for. For more information, go to
Healthy Homes Tribal Publications
Many Native Americans experience a wide range of health concerns simply due to unawareness of potential health hazards in the home. To help, OLHCHH and our partners have created four new guides with information and action steps on health related impacts.
The guides are aimed at preventing disease and injury by improving Tribal home environments. Extensive input was received from federal agencies, and groups representing Native Americans, to develop the guides.This represents a strong effort to have consistent messaging. The content also was created for relevancy to all Tribes, knowing that they have unique heritages, housing and climatic conditions, and more. One of the highlighted topics is improving ventilation/indoor air quality (IAQ).
Our Tribal and other stakeholders and partners are encouraged to create awareness of these new materials, and to use them in their local communities. In the future, hard copies will be printed and available from HUD.
To maximize usability and reach, the guides are tailored to these audiences:
- Tribal Families and Individuals
- Housing Professionals serving Tribes
- Health and Medical Professionals serving Tribes
- Tribal Decisionmaker
For more information, please write
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