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City of Florence

Amount:                     $1,500,000

Total Amount:             $1,500,000


The City of Florence will be awarded $1,500,000 in Lead Hazard Reduction Grant Program funding.  The City of Florence will address lead hazards in 25 housing units providing safer homes for low and very low-income families with children. City of Florence will be working with other medical and social service providers.  Contact Person: Melissa Bailey, 256-740-8806 and

City of Selma

Amount:                     $2,215,500

Total Amount:             $2,215,500


The City of Selma will be awarded $2,215,500 in Lead Hazard Reduction Grant Program funding.  The City of Selma will address lead hazards in 120 housing units providing safer homes for low and very low-income families with children. City Of Selma will be working with other medical and social service providers.  Contact Person: Danielle Wooten, 334-874-2101 and

City of Montgomery

Total Amount:             $716,650


The City of Montgomery will be awarded $716,650 in Lead Hazard Reduction Capacity Building Grant Program funding. The program partnership for the City’s Lead Hazard Reduction Capacity Building Grant Program will include recruiting and strengthening partnerships and sub-grantees to form a community-based healthcare program initiative to include lead paint hazards awareness. The program will build upon established partnerships with over 25 organizations along with the LHRCB grant funding. These partnerships have an intentional focus on minority health disparities in the city to include lead-based paint hazards to children under the age of six. The program will use Neighborhood Services Department to link the program to all City’s neighborhood associations.  Contact Person: Desmond Wilson, (860) 997-2195 and

The Town of Fort Deposit

Total Amount:             $2,499,134


The Town of Fort Deposit’s Lead Hazard Reduction Capacity Building Grant Program grant funds will be used for a comprehensive education program to ensure communities are aware of the risk of lead exposure, potential sources of lead, how to test for the presence of lead and what to do if there is a suspicion of lead exposure.  The education programming will include community events, outreach to childcare facilities and churches, media campaigns including social media, and canvassing activities. The Town of Fort Deposit will create and educate youth councils that will assist in educating the communities.  The program will also work with healthcare providers to increase blood lead testing of children and the reporting of all tests.  Fort Deposit will work with four partner communities in Sumter, Wilcox, Marengo and Barbour Counties and Black Belt Community Foundation. Contact information: Dr. Sharlene Newman Phone: 812-45-9524 Email:


Alameda County Healthy Homes

Amount:                     $5,000,000

HH Amount:               $700,000

Total Amount:             $5,700,000


The Alameda County Healthy Homes will be awarded $5,000,000 in Lead Hazard Reduction Grant Program funding and $700,000 in Healthy Homes Supplemental funding.  The Alameda County Healthy Homes will address lead hazards in 120 housing units providing safer homes for low and very low-income families with children. The County will also perform healthy homes assessments in 120 units. Alameda County Healthy Homes will be working with other medical and social service providers.  Contact Person: April Williamson, 510-567-8255 and

City of Fontana

Amount:                     $4,000,000

HH Amount:               $400,000

Total Amount:             $4,400,000


The City of Fontana will be awarded $4,000,000 in Lead Hazard Reduction Grant Program funding and $400,000 in Healthy Homes Supplemental funding.  The City of Fontana will address lead hazards in 52 housing units providing safer homes for low and very low-income families with children. The County will also perform healthy homes assessments in 52 units. City of Fontana will be working with other medical and social service providers.  Contact Person: Valerie Gonzales, 909-350-6625 and

County of Ventura

Total Amount:             $2,500,000


The Lead Hazard Reduction Capacity Building Grant Program funds will be used to train Ventura County to train and develop community residents to increase the workforce of abatement workers. The plan entails marketing paid training and certifications to mom-and-pop shops and low-income individuals to expand career options and create new livelihoods.  The goal is to train and certify at least 150 workers by the end of the three-year grant term and create a Coalition for a Healthier Home that will help the program partner with key organizations and ensure long-term sustainability. The program plan will target underserved communities to promote awareness and educate parents on requesting lead testing for their children. Contact information: Allyson Harmon - Phone number: (805)-981-5223, Email Address: Title: Children’s Medical Services Division Manager.


City of New Haven

Amount:                     $7,765,930

Total Amount:             $7,765,930


The City of New Haven will be awarded $7,765,930 in Lead Hazard Reduction Grant Program funding.  The City of New Haven will address lead hazards in 200 housing units providing safer homes for low and very low-income families with children. City of New Haven will be working with other medical and social service providers.  Contact Person: Julia Einhorn, 203-946-8057 and


City of Petersburg

Total Amount:             $2,500,000


The program will use the Lead Hazard Reduction Capacity Building Grant Program funding to address eight of the eleven capacity building barriers and program components. The implementation of these activities will be a multi-stakeholder effort of St. Petersburg Healthy Homes Community Coalition (HHCC), a public-private partnership of local government agencies, community-based organizations, hospitals, childcare entities, vocational training programs, and stakeholder groups representing residents, general contractors, and real estate professionals. The city will increase the pool of contractors through a multi-pronged strategy of targeted recruitment and outreach to contractors and low-income residents interested in becoming lead professionals as well as increasing access to LHC training, certification, and equipment. Contact Information: Mrs. Avery L. Slyker - Phone number: 727-893-7505, Email Address: Title: Asst. Director Housing and Community Development


City of Council Bluffs

Amount:                     $1,654,303

HH Amount:               $255,999

Total Amount:             $1,910.303


The City of Council Bluffs will be awarded $1,654,303 in Lead Hazard Reduction Grant Program funding and $255,999 in Healthy Homes Supplemental funding.  The City of Council Bluffs will address lead hazards in 40 housing units providing safer homes for low and very low-income families with children. The County will also perform healthy homes assessments in 40 units. City of Council Bluffs will be working with other medical and social service providers.  Contact Person: Courtney Harter, 712-890-5350 and

City of Marshalltown

Amount:                     $4,326,330

HH Amount:               $700,000

Total Amount:             $5,026,330


The City of Marshalltown will be awarded $4,326,330 in Lead Hazard Reduction Grant Program funding and $700,000 in Healthy Homes Supplemental funding.  The City of Marshalltown will address lead hazards in 100 housing units providing safer homes for low and very low-income families with children. The County will also perform healthy homes assessments in 100 units. City of Marshalltown will be working with other medical and social service providers—contact Person: Alicia Hunter, 641-754-5701 and

City of Muscatine

Amount:                     $2,556,932

HH Amount:               $400,000

Total Amount:             $2,956,932


The City of Muscatine will be awarded $2,556,932 in Lead Hazard Reduction Grant Program funding and $400,000 in Healthy Homes Supplemental funding.  The City of Muscatine will address lead hazards in 65 housing units providing safer homes for low and very low-income families with children. The County will also perform healthy homes assessments in 65 units. City of Muscatine will be working with other medical and social service providers.  Contact Person: Jodi Royal-Goodwin, 563-262-4141 and

City of Sioux City

Amount:                     $4,487,989

HH Amount:               $700,000

Total Amount:             $5,187,989


The City of Sioux City will be awarded $4,487,989 in Lead Hazard Reduction Grant Program funding and $700,000 in Healthy Homes Supplemental funding.  The City of Sioux City will address lead hazards in 130 housing units providing safer homes for low and very low-income families with children. The County will also perform healthy homes assessments in 119 units. City of Sioux City will be working with other medical and social service providers.  Contact Person: Jill Manderscheid, 712-224-5136 and

County of Cerro Gordo

Amount:                     $1,881,445

HH Amount:               $312,220

Total Amount:             $2,193,665


The County of Cerro Gordo will be awarded $1,881,445 in Lead Hazard Reduction Grant Program funding and $312,220 in Healthy Homes Supplemental funding.  The County of Cerro Gordo will address lead hazards in 65 housing units providing safer homes for low and very low-income families with children. The County will also perform healthy homes assessments in 60 units. County of Cerro Gordo will be working with other medical and social service providers.  Contact Person: Jenna Heiar, 641-421-9328 and


County of McHenry

Amount:                     $1,862,320

HH Amount:               $170,100

Total Amount:             $2,032,420


The County of McHenry will be awarded $1,862,320 in Lead Hazard Reduction Grant Program funding and $170,100 in Healthy Homes Supplemental funding.  The County of McHenry will address lead hazards in 40 housing units providing safer homes for low and very low-income families with children. The County will also perform healthy homes assessments in 36 units. County of McHenry will be working with other medical and social service providers.  Contact Person: Hans Mach, 815-334-4089 and


City of Monroe

Amount:                     $4,096,699

HH Amount:               $400,000

Total Amount:             $4,496,699


The City of Monroe will be awarded $4,096,699 in Lead Hazard Reduction Grant Program funding and $400,000 in Healthy Homes Supplemental funding.  The City of Monroe will address lead hazards in 130 housing units providing safer homes for low and very low-income families with children. The County will also perform healthy homes assessments in 100 units. City of Monroe will be working with other medical and social service providers.  Contact Person: Ellen Hill, 318-812-7443 and

Jefferson Parrish

Amount:                     $5,000,000

HH Amount:               $700,000

Total Amount:             $5,700,000


The Jefferson Parrish will be awarded $5,000,000 in Lead Hazard Reduction Grant Program funding and $700,000 in Healthy Homes Supplemental funding.  The Jefferson Parrish will address lead hazards in 235 housing units providing safer homes for low and very low-income families with children. The County will also perform healthy homes assessments in 150 units. Jefferson Parrish will be working with other medical and social service providers.  Contact Person: Stephanie Brumfield, 504-736-6267 and


City of Worcester

Amount:                     $4,100,000

HH Amount:               $0

Total Amount:             $4,100,000


The City of Worcester will be awarded $4,100,000 in Lead Hazard Reduction Grant Program funding.  The City of Worcester will address lead hazards in 165 housing units providing safer homes for low and very low-income families with children. City of Worcester will be working with other medical and social service providers—contact Person: James Brooks, 508-799-1400 and

Maine State Housing Authority

Amount:                     $5,000,000

HH Amount:               $700,000

Total Amount:             $5,700,000


The Maine State Housing Authority will be awarded $5,000,000 in Lead Hazard Reduction Grant Program funding and $700000 in Healthy Homes Supplemental funding.  The Maine State Housing Authority will address lead hazards in 241 housing units providing safer homes for low and very low-income families with children. The County will also perform healthy homes assessments in 200 units. Maine State Housing Authority will be working with other medical and social service providers.  Contact Person: Kim Ferenc, 207-626-4684 and


Massachusetts Department of Public Health

Total Amount:             $2,500,000


The Health Department will utilize Lead Hazard Reduction Capacity Building Grant Program funding to increase tenants and property owners' awareness of their rights and responsibilities under the Massachusetts Lead Law, federal Fair Housing Act, and Lead Disclosure Rule, lead-safe work practices, and resources to identify and mitigate lead paint hazards. The program will increase capacity in target area(s) and to perform lead inspections and abatement. In addition, the program will improve access to Lead Safe Homes so all consumers including limited English proficient (LEP) can make informed decisions about buying, selling, or renting a home. Final main objective for the program is to develop a pipeline of units for lead abatement projects. Contact Information: Jenna David - Phone number: 781-429-8189, Email Address: Title: Director, Primary Prevention, and Infrastructure


City of Grand Rapids

Amount:                     $6,000,000

HH Amount:               $600,000

Total Amount:             $6,600,000


The City of Grand Rapids will be awarded $6,000,000 in Lead Hazard Reduction Grant Program funding and $600,000 in Healthy Homes Supplemental funding.  The City of Grand Rapids will address lead hazards in 180 housing units providing safer homes for low and very low-income families with children. The County will also perform healthy homes assessments in 160 units. City of Grand Rapids will be working with other medical and social service providers.  Contact Person: Connie Bohatch, (616) 456-3988 and

County of Kent

Total Amount:             $2,500,000


Kent County Health Department (KCHD) will add staff positions using Lead Hazard Reduction Capacity Building Grant Program funds to support increased capacity to address childhood lead poisoning outside of the City of Grant Rapids, into rural communities and the cities. KCHD is anticipating this need and is ramping up capacity for lead inspections and risk assessments through other funding sources. Kent County will ramp up capacity in the following areas: Development of procedures & guidelines for implementation of lead remediation projects; Community outreach/marketing of program; Obtaining qualified staff, and organizational systems for sustaining a viable lead hazard control program after the grant. Contact Information: Mr. Josh Spencer Phone Number:616-632-7566 Email:  Title: Strategic Impact Director 

Michigan Department of Health & Human Services

Total Amount:             $7,997,798


The Michigan Department of Health & Human Services will be awarded $7,997,798 in Lead Hazard Reduction Grant Program funding.  The Michigan Department of Health & Human Services will address lead hazards in 100 housing units providing safer homes for low and very low-income families with children. Michigan Department of Health & Human Services will be working with other medical and social service providers.  Contact Person: Sonya Frick, 517-643-4177 and


Minnesota Department of Health

Amount:                     $3,621,869

HH Amount:               $225,000

Total Amount:             $3,846,869


The Minnesota Department of Health will be awarded $3,621,869 in Lead Hazard Reduction Grant Program funding and $225,000 in Healthy Homes Supplemental funding.  The Minnesota Department of Health will address lead hazards in 90 housing units providing safer homes for low and very low-income families with children. The County will also perform healthy homes assessments in 90 units. Minnesota Department of Health will be working with other medical and social service providers.  Contact Person: Steph Stull, 651-201-4309 and


City of Charlotte

Amount:                     $2,907,037

HH Amount:               $665,999

Total Amount:             $3,573,037


The City of Charlotte will be awarded $2,907,037 in Lead Hazard Reduction Grant Program funding and $665,999 in Healthy Homes Supplemental funding.  The City of Charlotte will address lead hazards in 100 housing units providing safer homes for low and very low-income families with children. The County will also perform healthy homes assessments in 100 units. City of Charlotte will be working with other medical and social service providers.  Contact Person: Diane Adams, 704-336-2911 and

Triangle J Council of Governments

Total Amount:             $657,507


The program will utilize the Lead Hazard Reduction Capacity Building Grant Program funding to resolve capacity barriers and strengthen local and regional community needs related to the following program components: Training /contractor pool development; amplify training opportunities for local nonprofits and potential candidates seeking lead-based professional credentials. Community outreach and marketing will be a critical component to ensure the success of the program and hiring of qualified staff with organizational experience; funding will allow Triangle J Region of Governments (TJCOG) and its subrecipient Rebuilding Together of the Triangle (RTT) to become local experts on LHC program implementation – serving the region by deploying more funds dedicated to lead remediation/home repair dollars  rural and urban geographies, qualified census tracts, and environmental justice neighborhoods. Contact Information: Ms. Lindsay Whitson Phone Number:919-558-9319 Email:  Title: Community and Economic Development Director 


Two Rivers Public Health Department

Amount:                      $1,196,395

HH Amount:               $148,800

Total Amount:             $1,345,195


The Two Rivers Public Health Department will be awarded $ 1,196,395.00 in Lead Hazard Reduction Grant Program funding and $148,800 in Healthy Homes Supplemental funding.  The Two Rivers Public Health Department will address lead hazards in 31 housing units providing safer homes for low and very low-income families with children. The County will also perform healthy homes assessments in 31 units. Two Rivers Public Health Department will be working with other medical and social service providers.  Contact Person: Jeremy Eschliman, 308-233-3100 and


City of East Orange

Amount:                     $4,501,958

 HH Amount:               $300,000

Total Amount:             $4,801,958


The City of East Orange will be awarded $4,501,958 in Lead Hazard Reduction Grant Program funding and $300,000 in Healthy Homes Supplemental funding.  The City of East Orange will address lead hazards in 40 housing units providing safer homes for low and very low-income families with children. The County will also perform healthy homes assessments in 40 units. City of East Orange will be working with other medical and social service providers.  Contact Person: Solomon Steplight, 973-518-4511 and


Broome County

Amount:                     $5,600,000

HH Amount:               $700,000

Total Amount:             $6,300,000


The Broome County will be awarded 5,600,000 in Lead Hazard Reduction Grant Program funding and $700,000 in Healthy Homes Supplemental funding.  The Broome County will address lead hazards in 180 housing units providing safer homes for low and very low-income families with children. The County will also perform healthy homes assessments in 180 units. Broome County will be working with other medical and social service providers.  Contact Person: Sarah Walker, 607-778-2809 and

City of Utica

Amount:                     $3,314,989

HH Amount:               $660,000

Total Amount:             $3,974,989


The City of Utica will be awarded $3,314,989 in Lead Hazard Reduction Grant Program funding and $660,000 in Healthy Homes Supplemental funding.  The City of Utica will address lead hazards in 88 housing units providing safer homes for low and very low-income families with children. The County will also perform healthy homes assessments in 88 units. City of Utica will be working with other medical and social service providers.  Contact Person: Brian Thomas, (315) 792-0181 and

County of Niagara

Amount:                     $3,000,000

HH Amount:               $300,000

Total Amount:             $3,300,000


The County of Niagara will be awarded $3,000,000 in Lead Hazard Reduction Grant Program funding and $300,000 in Healthy Homes Supplemental funding.  The County of Niagara will address lead hazards in 100 housing units providing safer homes for low and very low-income families with children. The County will also perform healthy homes assessments in 45 units. County of Niagara will be working with other medical and social service providers.  Contact Person: Paul Dicky, 716-439-7595 and

Cattaraugus County Health Department

Total Amount:             $2,500,000


The county will prioritize both primary prevention efforts and HUD Lead Hazard Reduction Capacity Building Grant Program funded remediation in targeted “disadvantaged communities” as labelled first with at least 40% of grants funds allocated to renovations in these identified target areas. As adjacent counties, the program will collaborate on partnership development and contractor training. Through the Lead Smart Partnership (LSP), other partnerships and education and outreach, both counties have been able to educate but more needs to be done. Both counties have also developed key partnerships, but fiscal and human resources have prevented additional partnerships from being developed. The county also struggles with local code enforcement and will work on improving these efforts with the grant funding. Contact Information: Ms. Melissa Chamberlain Phone Number: 716-701-3412 Email:

Title: Community Health Nurse/CLPP Coordinator


Puerto Rico Public Housing Administration

Total Amount:             $3,520,080


The Puerto Rico public Housing Administration will be awarded $3,520,080 in Lead Hazard Reduction Grant Program funding.  The Puerto Rico public Housing Administration will address lead hazards in 10228 housing units providing safer homes for low and very low-income families with children. The County will also perform healthy homes assessments in 10228 units. Puerto Rico public Housing Administration will be working with other medical and social service providers.  Contact Person: Alejandro Salgado Colón, 787-368-3101 and


City of Memphis

Amount:                      $5,000,000

HH Amount:               $700,000

Total Amount:             $5,700,000


The City of Memphis will be awarded $5,000,000 in Lead Hazard Reduction Grant Program funding and $700,000 in Healthy Homes Supplemental funding.  The City of Memphis will address lead hazards in 125 housing units providing safer homes for low and very low-income families with children. The County will also perform healthy homes assessments in 80 units. City of Memphis will be working with other medical and social service providers.  Contact Person: Tonya Johnson, 901-636-7387 and


Salt Lake County

Amount:                     $5,116,785

HH Amount:               $700,000

Total Amount:             $5,816,785


The Salt Lake County will be awarded $5,116,785 in Lead Hazard Reduction Grant Program funding and $700,000 in Healthy Homes Supplemental funding.  The Salt Lake County will address lead hazards in 240 housing units providing safer homes for low and very low-income families with children. The County will also perform healthy homes assessments in 175 units. Salt Lake County will be working with other medical and social service providers.  Contact Person: John Russell, 385-468-4884 and


City of Milwaukee

Amount:                     $5,000,000

HH Amount:               $700,000

Total Amount:             $5,700,000


The City of Milwaukee will be awarded $5,000,000 in Lead Hazard Reduction Grant Program funding and $700,000 in Healthy Homes Supplemental funding.  The City of Milwaukee will address lead hazards in 273 housing units providing safer homes for low and very low-income families with children. The County will also perform healthy homes assessments in 120 units. City of Milwaukee will be working with other medical and social service providers.  Contact Person: Ron Green, 414-286-2275 and


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