Programs Division - Lead-Based Paint & Lead Hazard Reduction Demonstration Grant Programs


    Frequently Asked Questions from Adults Home Modification Program (OAHMP) Webinar


    The purpose of the Lead-Based Paint Hazard Control (LHC) and the Lead Hazard Reduction grant programs (LHRD) is to identify and control lead-based paint hazards in eligible privately owned housing for rental or owner-occupants. The Lead-Based Paint Hazard Control Grant program is the largest program in terms of dollar amount and number of grants. The main distinction between the two programs is that the LHRD program is targeted to urban jurisdictions (either alone or through a consortium) that have at least 3,500 pre-1940 occupied rental housing units, while the LBPHC program is open to all jurisdictions, urban, suburban or rural. Also, the requirement for grantee match is higher (25% vs. 10%) for the LHRD than for the LBPHC program. Both programs have a stellar track record across the country. Funding opportunities are published in the annual Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) and is available online.