The Lead-Safe Housing Rule

    The Lead Safe Housing Rule applies to all target housing that is federally owned and target housing receiving Federal assistance.

    Specific requirements depend on whether the housing is being disposed of or assisted by the federal government, and also on the type and amount of financial assistance, the age of the structure, and whether the dwelling is rental or owner-occupied. You can consult the summary of requirements for specific information or you can view which HUD Assisted Housing Programs are affected by the Lead Safe Housing Rule.

    On January 13, 2017, HUD published an amendment to the Lead Safe Housing Rule on responding promptly to cases of children under age 6 living in certain categories of HUD-assisted housing who have elevated blood lead levels. The EBL amendment, its HUD press release, and its regulatory impact assessment (the cost-benefit analysis) are posted on this page.  Over the coming weeks, guidance documents linked from this page will be updated to reflect the EBL amendment, and new guidance documents will be added to this page.  Keep checking for these updates.


    The Lead Safe Housing Rule (being updated)