- Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.) -- via gpo access - search by using a keyword, citation, title, or volume.
- Congressional publications -- via gpo access, provides bills, directories, and reports; links to the congressional record, the us. code, and the u.s. constitution.
- Congressional Record - via gpo access (1995 - present).
- Federal Register -- via gpo access (1995 - present).
- Findlaw: State sources -- links to primary docs. (cases, codes, and regs.), gov info, courts, directories, news and media, etc.
- Library of Congress
- U.S. Senate
- U.S. House
- National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) -- info on legislative policy issues, state-federal relations, links to state legislatures.
- State and local government gateway -- one stop for state and local information.
- StateLine - Provides issue and state specific news and information.
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