HUD Limited Denial of Participation List

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    on a PC:  ctrl+F
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    Open a search box, enter the name you wish to verify and hit enter. If there are no matches, the name is not on the list.

    This list is current as of:  

    HUD Limited Denial of Participation List - 1 page of 3 Records (Printable Excel version)

    SubjectAffiliationAddressScope of DisqualificationDisqualification
    Start Date
    End Date
    List Date
    OfficeContact Person/ EmailContact Office Phone
    Acosta, Lazaro Miami, FLAll HUD Programs; Section 8 Rental Assistance Program08/16/201608/15/202608/25/2016Florida State OfficeCarmen Trice202-402-2516
    Bambick, Joseph M. Fredonia, KSAll HUD Programs; Section 8 Rental Assistance Program02/04/201602/03/206102/04/2016Kansas/Missouri State OfficeCarmen Trice202-402-2516
    Kaur, Paramjit Hot Springs, ARAll Housing Programs09/16/202409/15/202510/24/2024Denver HomeownershipChristian Malone303-672-5299